Aging, autonomy, and architecture : advances in assisted living / edited by Benyamin Schwarz and Ruth Brent.
Baltimore, Md : Johns Hopkins University Press, ©1999.
xxv, 311 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
"In Aging, Autonomy, and Architecture, Benyamin Schwarz and Ruth Brent bring together many of the leading researchers and practitioners in the field to examine various aspects of the design and function of assisted living facilities. Concentrating on those characteristics that foster autonomy, the contributors offer case examples that bridge the gap between theory and practice. They comment on issues that include health care, the special needs of assisted living for persons with dementia, the importance of marketing and management, and the design of culturally sensitive facilities. The book will be a valuable resource for researchers, designers, and policy makers, as well as for students in gerontology and in architecture."--Jacket.
0801860334 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780801860331 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Congregate housing United States.
Life care communities United States.
Frail older people Dwellings United States.
Barrier-free design for older people United States.
Congregate housing.
Older people.
Older people Housing.
Older people Dwellings.
Frail older people Housing United States.
Frail older people Habitations United States.
Assisted Living Facilities
Health Facility Environment
Facility Design and Construction
Housing for the Elderly
Aged, 80 and over
Habitat collectif États-Unis.
Life care communities États-Unis.
Personnes âgées dépendantes Habitations États-Unis.
Architecture et personnes âgées États-Unis.
Habitat collectif.
Personnes âgées Logement.
Personnes âgées.
housing for the elderly.
congregate housing.
personal care homes.
Barrier-free design for older people
Frail older people Dwelling
Life care communities
Frail elderly United States Dwellings.
United States
Schwarz, Benyamin.
Tofle, Ruth Brent.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 204057
Cote: HD7287.92.U54 A375 1999
Statut: Disponible
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