The idea and ideal of the town between late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages / edited by G.P. Brogiolo and Bryan Ward-Perkins.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [1999]
ix, 265 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
The transformation of the Roman world, 1386-4165 ; volume 4
"This volume examines changing perceptions and ideals of town life, from the classical civitas/polis (the lynch-pin of ancient civilisation) to the medieval city (still playing many central roles, but with less of the ideological charge characteristic of Antiquity)." "One central theme is the persistent 'shadow' of the ancient city - in crumbling ancient buildings, and the survival of Roman styles of urban lay-out; and in the way that cities were depicted both visually (in iconography that changed only very slowly, if at all), and verbally (in the persistence of often outmoded classical terms and descriptions)." "Yet the ideal of the city was also changing and developing, especially around the idea of a new, specifically Christian city, protected by its saints and by its churches."--Jacket.
9004109013 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9789004109018 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Cities and towns, Medieval.
Cities and towns Byzantine Empire.
Cities and towns Rome.
Cities and towns Islamic Empire.
Civilization, Medieval.
Cities history
City Planning history
Civilization history
Villes médiévales.
Civilisation médiévale.
Cities and towns
Villes Moyen âge.
Villes Dans l'art.
Villes Dans la littérature.
Europe History 392-814.
Rome (Empire)
Islamic Empire
Byzantine Empire
Kongress Oxford 1995.
Brogiolo, Gian Pietro, editor.
Ward-Perkins, Bryan, editor.
Transformation of the Roman world ; v. 4.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 211941
Cote: HT115 .I3 1999
Statut: Disponible
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