Printing 1770-1970 : an illustrated history of its development and uses in England / Michael Twyman ; with a new foreword by Ruari McLean and an additional bibliography.
Entrée principale:

Twyman, Michael.

Titre et auteur:

Printing 1770-1970 : an illustrated history of its development and uses in England / Michael Twyman ; with a new foreword by Ruari McLean and an additional bibliography.


London : British Library : Reading University Press ; New Castle, DE, USA : Marketged exclusively in North and South America by Oak Knoll Press, 1998.


viii, 285 pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles (some color) ; 31 cm

Reprinted with minor changes.
Originally published: London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1970.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 267-272) and indexes.
Foreword -- Author's acknowledgements -- Author's note on the reprint -- Pt. I Text -- Introduction (starting p. 1) -- 1 The information explosion (starting p. 5) -- 2 New processes (starting p. 18) -- 3 Printing in colour (starting p. 36) -- 4 From craft to technology (starting p. 48) -- 5 Types and other letterforms (starting p. 67) -- 6 Pictures into print (starting p. 85) -- 7 Design: survivals and new approaches (starting p. 111) -- Pt. II Illustrations -- Ceremony (starting p. 134) -- Rural life (starting p. 162) -- Transport (starting p. 186) -- Wars (starting p. 214) -- Exhibitions (starting p. 238) -- Select bibliography (starting p. 267) -- Additional bibliography: items 1970 and after (starting p. 271) -- Index of illustrations (starting p. 273) -- General index (starting p. 281)

"Printing 1770-1970 deals with printing in the first machine age. The rapid growth and development of printing from the end of the eighteenth century resulted from the same factors that caused changes in British society at large - expansion of trade, improved communications, and pressure for the propagation of ideas. Both from the design and technical standpoints, however, the changes are reflected most in ephemeral categories of printing, and it is these areas, rather than traditional book production, that Michael Twyman discusses and illustrates as he traces the development of printing in England during the allotted period." "This book has established itself as a standard work. It will be of great value to students of graphic design and experts alike; at the same time, because Michael Twyman writes with an easy fluency and seeks to avoid technical terms it will be of considerable appeal to everyone interested in printing and social history."--BOOK JACKET.


9780712345965 (BL)
0712345965 (BL)
9781884718786 (Oak Knoll)
1884718787 (Oak Knoll)


Printing England History 18th century.
Printing England History 19th century.
Printing England History 20th century.
Printing history
Imprimerie Angleterre Histoire 18e siècle.
Imprimerie Angleterre Histoire 19e siècle.
Imprimerie Angleterre Histoire 20e siècle.
Printing England History
Imprimerie Grande-Bretagne Histoire 18e siècle.
Imprimerie Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle.
Imprimerie Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Reprography and photographic processes.
England Imprints


Printed books 20th century England London Specimens.
Printed books 20th century United States Delaware New Castle Specimens.

Vedettes secondaires:

McLean, Ruari, writer of foreword.
British Library.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 209372
Cote: Z151 .T93 1998
Statut: Disponible


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