Maya / edited by Peter Schmidt, Mercedes de la Garza, Enrique Nalda.
Titre et auteur:

Maya / edited by Peter Schmidt, Mercedes de la Garza, Enrique Nalda.


New York : Rizzoli, 1998.


695 pages : color illustrations, color map ; 31 cm

"First published on the occasion of the exhibition Maya, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 6. IX.1998 - 16.V.1999"--Title page verso
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The rediscovery of a civilization / Mercedes de la Garza -- A brief history of archaeological exploration / Ian Graham -- Vegetation of Maya Region / Arturo Ǵomez-Pompa -- Ancient Maya civilization in space and time / Jeremy A. Sabloff -- The Maya and their Olmec neighbors -- Tomás Pérez Suárez -- Maya frontiers / Giuseppe Orefici -- The Maya city / Enrique Nalda -- Maya architecture / Antonio Benavides C. -- Maya daily labors : a history in lower case / Mario Humberto Ruz -- Maya writing / Maricela Ayala Falcón -- Calendrical cycles and astronomy / Victoria R. Bricker, Harvey M. Bricker -- The Maya codices / Thomas A. Lee Whiting -- Maya Cosmogony / Enrique Florescano -- Maya gods / Mercedes de la Garza -- Portable objects / Clemency Chase Coggins -- Classic Maya painted ceramics and the stories they tell / Dorie Reents-Budet -- Sculpture and murals of the Usumacinta Region / Merle Greene Robertson -- The highlands of Guatemala and Chiapas / Zoila Rodríguez Girón, J. Héctor Paredes G. -- Dynastic history and politics of the classic Maya / David Stuart -- Copán : art, science and dynasty / Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle -- Archaeology of the Central Lowland Mayas : Tikal / Héctor L. Escobedo, Juan Antonio Valdés -- The metropolis of Calakmul Campeche / Ramón Carrasco V. -- Jaina : its funerary art / Román Piña Chán -- Uxmal and the Puuc zone : monumental architectural scuppture facades and political power in the terminal classic period / Jeff Karl Kowalski -- Contacts with Central Mexico and the transition to the Postclassic : Chichén Itzá in central Yucatán / Peter J. Schmidt -- Navigation and trade on the eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula / Rocía González de la Mata, Anthony P. Andrews -- Political organization of the Yucatán Mayas during the eleventh and sixteenth centuries / Sergio Quezada -- The conquest of the Mayas of Yucatán and Maya Resistance during the Spanish colonial period / Grant D. Jones -- The Mayas in modern times / Jan de Vos.

Looks at Mayan civilization, including Mayan architecture, astronomy, history, mathematics, politics, religion, commerce, navigation, sculpture, and handicrafts.




Mayas History Exhibitions.
Mayas Antiquities Exhibitions.
Maya art Exhibitions.
Maya architecture Exhibitions.
Mayas History.
Mayas Antiquities.
Maya art.
Maya architecture.
Mayas Histoire.
Mayas Antiquités.
Art maya.
Architecture maya.
Mayas Histoire Expositions.
Mayas Antiquités Expositions.
Art maya Expositions.
Architecture maya Expositions.
Arte maya Esposizioni 1998.
Maya Civiltà Esposizioni 1998.
Central America Antiquities.
Central America.
Amérique centrale.


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Schmidt, Peter J., editor.
Garza, Mercedes de la, editor.
Nalda, Enrique, editor.
Palazzo Grassi, host institution.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 203371
Cote: F1435.3.A7 M3 1998
Statut: Disponible


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