The business of sustainable forestry : strategies for an industry in transition / Michael B. Jenkins and Emily T. Smith.
Entrée principale:

Jenkins, Michael B.

Titre et auteur:

The business of sustainable forestry : strategies for an industry in transition / Michael B. Jenkins and Emily T. Smith.


Washington, D.C. : Island Press, ©1999.


xvii, 356 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword / Jonathan Lash, Stephan Schmidheiny -- Introduction: Sustaining Forests and Profits -- The Pursuit of Innovation -- The Forest Products Industry in Transition -- Emerging Markets for Certified Wood Products -- New Mandates for Technology -- Lessons from a Pioneer -- Harvesting Ecology and Economics -- Opportunities for Private Timber Owners in Sustainable Forestry -- Rich Niches -- The Difficulties of Sustainable Forest Management in the Tropics -- The Socioeconomics of Brazilian Pulp Plantations -- The Road to Certification -- The Wall of Wood -- Meshing Operations with Strategic Purpose -- Lessons Learned -- The Sustainable Forestry Working Group.
Dust jacket.

"The Business of Sustainable Forestry integrates and analyzes a series of twenty-one case studies of industry leaders carried out by the Sustainable Forestry Working Group. It is the first book to provide a composite snapshot of the business of sustainable forestry, presenting the management practices, techniques, and technologies, as well as the lessons learned by early adopters. Written in language accessible to the general business reader, the book will be a unique and valuable guide for forest and natural resource managers, forest products industry managers, and students and academics in schools of business and forestry."--Jacket.


1559637137 (alk. paper ; cloth)
9781559637138 (alk. paper ; cloth)


Sustainable forestry.
Forest products industry.
Foresterie durable.
Produits forestiers Industrie.



Vedettes secondaires:

Smith, Emily T.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 277123
Cote: BIB 211785
Statut: Disponible


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