Two-way mirror power : selected writings by Dan Graham on his art / edited by Alexander Alberro ; [introduction by Jeff Wall].
Entrée principale:

Graham, Dan, 1942-2022, author.

Titre et auteur:

Two-way mirror power : selected writings by Dan Graham on his art / edited by Alexander Alberro ; [introduction by Jeff Wall].


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, [1999]


xx, 198 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

"Published in association with the Marian Goodman Gallery, New York."
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction: Partially Reflective Mirror Writing / Jeff Wall -- Dan Graham -- The Artist as Producer (1978-1988) -- Magazine Pages -- My Works for Magazine Pages: "A History of Conceptual Art" (1985) -- Legacies of Critical Practice in the 1980s: Dan Graham (1986) -- Legacies of Critical Practice in the 1980s: Discussion (1986) -- Video/Television/Architecture -- Two Consciousness Projection(s) (1972) -- Present Continuous Past(s) (1974) -- Yesterday/Today (1975) -- Notes on Yesterday/Today (1975) -- Video Piece for Two Glass Office Buildings (1976) -- Video Piece for Showcase Windows in a Shopping Arcade (1976) -- Notes on Video Piece for Showcase Windows in a Shopping Arcade (1976) -- Production/Reception (Piece for Two Cable TV Channels) (1976) -- Essay on Video, Architecture, and Television (1979) -- Dan Graham Interviewed by Ludger Gerdes (1991) -- Films -- Film and Performance/Six Films, 1969-1974 (1976) -- Cinema (1981) -- Dan Graham Interviewed by Eric de Bruyn (1997) -- Performance -- Lax/Relax (1969) -- Past Future/Split Attention (1972) -- Performer/Audience/Mirror (1977) -- Musical Performance and Stage-Set Utilizing Two-Way Mirror and Time-Delay (1983) -- Stage-Set for Guaire (1985) -- Theater-Cinema (1986) -- Performance: End of the '60s (1989) -- Dan Graham in Conversation with Brian Hatton (1992) -- Pavilion Sculptures -- Notes on Public Space/Two Audiences (1978) -- Alteration to a Suburban House (1978) -- Pavilion/Sculpture for Argonne (1978-1981) -- Two-Way Mirror Cylinder Inside Cube and Video Salon: Rooftop Park for Dia Center for the Arts (1991) -- A Guide to The Children's Pavilion, a Collaborative Project by Jeff Wall and Dan Graham (1989) -- Heart Pavilion (1991) -- Two-Way Mirror Power (1996) -- Two-Way Mirror Bridge and Triangular Pavilion to Existing Mill House for Domaine de Kerguehennec (1987) -- Three Linked Cubes/Interior Design for Space for Showing Videos (1986) -- Two-Way Mirror and Hedge Labyrinth (1989-1991) -- Skateboard Pavilion (1989) -- "Star of David" Glass Pavilion for Schloss Building (1996) -- Yin/Yang (1998) -- Dan Graham Interviewed by Mike Metz (1994).

In this collection Graham explores the rationale behind his own art. The essays are organized thematically and chronologically, they chart his career from conceptual art for magazine pages of the 1960s, to his pavilion sculptures of the 1980s-1990s.


0262571307 (alk. paper)
9780262571302 (alk. paper)


Graham, Dan, 1942-2022 Themes, motives.
Graham, Dan, 1942- Critique et interprétation.
Graham, Dan, 1942-2022
Graham, Dan 1942-2022
Graham, Dan, 1942- Aesthetics.
Graham, Dan, 1942-.
Graham, Dan.
21.99 other art forms.
Themes, motives
Installaties (beeldende kunst)
Artists United States 20th century.



Vedettes secondaires:

Alberro, Alexander, editor.
Wall, Jeff, writer of introduction.
Marian Goodman Gallery, issuing body.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 209941
Cote: NX512.G73 A35 1999
Statut: Disponible


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