Yarwood, John R.
Rebuilding Mostar : urban reconstruction in a war zone / John Yarwood ; with contributions by Andreas Seebacher, Niels Strufe and Hedwig Wolfram.
Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1999.
xiv, 142 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 25 cm.
TPR (Town planning review) special studies ; no. 3
Following the devastation of the war in Bosnia, the European Union formed the European Union Administration of Mostar (EUAM) and John Yarwood ? a widely experienced architect, town planner and project manager ? worked as Director of Reconstruction for EUAM for the whole of the period of its mandate, from 1994 to 1996. On behalf of the international community, the EU formed a city administration in Mostar with the goal of reconciling the former warring parties; building security and creating a unified police force; establishing freedom of movement; holding democratic elections; and establishing.
0853239037 (pbk.)
9780853239031 (pbk.)
European Union Administration, Mostar.
Postwar reconstruction Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar.
Yugoslav War, 1991-1995 Destruction and pillage Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar.
City planning Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar.
Reconstruction d'après-guerre Bosnie-Herzégovine Mostar.
Guerre dans l'ex-Yougoslavie, 1991-1995 Destruction et pillage Bosnie-Herzégovine Mostar.
City planning
Destruction and pillage
Postwar reconstruction
Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Buildings, structures, etc.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar
Seebacher, Andreas.
Strufe, Niels.
Wolfram, Hedwig.
Town planning review special studies ; no. 3.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 210302
Cote: NA44.Y29.A35 1999
Statut: Disponible
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