Archer, Lucy.
Architecture in Britain and Ireland, 600-1500 / Lucy Archer ; photographs by Edwin Smith, selected in collaboration with Olive Cook.
London : Harvill Press, 1999.
x, 467 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"Everyone interested in architecture will find this book an indispensable companion to the discovery and appreciation of the astonishing number of Celtic, Saxon, Norman and medieval buildings and monuments which are still to be seen throughout Britain and Ireland. While providing a brief historical background to each period, a is mainly a comprehensive guide to the development and use of the wide range of surviving secular and ecclesiastical buildings, including church furnishings."
"Illustrated with over 350 black and white photographs by the late Edwin Smith and accompanied by a glossary of architectural terms and a gazetteer covering thousands of sites in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, it is an invaluable work of reference as well as an invitation to travel and to explore. This is the first book in a three-volume survey of architecture in Britain and Ireland."--Jacket.
1860464041 (pbk.)
9781860464041 (pbk.)
1860467016 (hard)
9781860467011 (hard)
Architecture Great Britain.
Architecture Ireland.
Architecture, Medieval Great Britain.
Architecture, Medieval Ireland.
Architecture, Medieval Great Britain Pictorial works.
Architecture, Medieval Ireland Pictorial works.
Architecture médiévale Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture médiévale Irlande.
Architecture médiévale Grande-Bretagne Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture médiévale Irlande Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture Irlande.
Architecture, Medieval
Great Britain
Pictorial works
Smith, Edwin, 1912-1971.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 212191
Cote: NA961 .A7 1999
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 212192
Cote: NA961 .A7 1999
Statut: Disponible
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