Over exposed : essays on contemporary photography / edited by Carol Squiers.
Titre et auteur:

Over exposed : essays on contemporary photography / edited by Carol Squiers.


New York : New Press, ©1999.


330 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Carol Squiers -- Ectoplasm : photography in the digital age / Geoffrey Batchen -- Mirrors and window shoppers : lesbians, photography, and the politics of visibility / Deborah Bright -- Newton's gravity / Victor Burgin -- Krysztof Wodiczko's homeless projection and the site of urban revitalization / Rosalyn Deutsche -- Instability and dispersion / Timothy Druckrey -- OI : opportunistic identification, open identification in PWA portraiture / Jan Zita Grover -- On the dissecting table : the unnatural coupling of surrealism and photography / Andy Grundberg -- Adjusting the focus for an indigenous presence / Theresa Harlan -- Playing with dolls / Silvia Kolbowski -- A note on photography and the simulacral / Rosalind Krauss -- Mortal coil : eros and diaspora in the photographs of Rotimi Fani-Kayode / Kobena Mercer -- Photography and fetish / Christian Metz -- Selling green / Kathy Myers -- Missing women : rethinking early thoughts on images of women / Griselda Pollock -- Living with contradictions : critical practices in the age of supply-side aesthetics / Abigail Solomon-Godeau -- Class struggle : the invention of paparazzi photography and the death of Diana, Princess of Wales / Carol Squiers -- The pleasures of looking : the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography versus visual images / Carole S. Vance.

"In Over Exposed, a group of distinguished photographers, critics, and cultural historians examine the many roles of photography in contemporary western culture, covering questions about representation, sexual politics, public policy, and cultural activism."--BOOK JACKET.


1565845226 (pbk.)
9781565845220 (pbk.)


Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
21.42 history of photographic art.


Photography, Artistic.

Vedettes secondaires:

Squiers, Carol, 1948-

Essays on contemporary photography


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 206665
Cote: TR642 .O42 1999
Statut: Disponible


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