Jankowski, Wanda.
Lighting : exteriors & landscapes / Wanda Jankowski.
Glen Cove, N.Y. : Architecture & Interior Design Library, ©1993.
208 pages : color illustrations ; 32 cm
Nighttime exterior lighting is increasing in popularity and importance in cosmopolitan cities and small towns alike. On a grand scale, it can transform a building into a distinctive landmark in the nightscape of a city, highlight the splendid nuances of historical architectural detail, or dazzle through the dramatic sweep of a glittering suspension bridge.
At the same time, exterior illumination can work its magic to render an impersonal entryway more intimate and inviting, or it can beckon nighttime shoppers by assuring safety in well-lit retail commercial spaces.
Lighting: Exteriors and Landscapes explores creative solutions to a multitude of challenging and diverse outdoor lighting projects in the United States, Europe and Japan. Included are towering corporate structures, government buildings, hotels, railroad stations, convention centers, shopping malls, parks, plazas and fountains as well as timeless, elegant historical structures.
Bold new uses of lighting are also presented, including exciting pattern projections, illuminated works of art and sophisticated laser light shows, choreographed for public enjoyment.
Using today's smaller light sources and less bulky fixtures, designers can achieve results that are both aesthetically pleasing and energy efficient. Quality design reaches beyond function and aesthetics to assure economy, ease of installation and maintenance as well as weatherproofing and vandal resistance. These are among the many important criteria featured throughout this lavishly illustrated professional design reference book.
A wellspring of current, cutting-edge ideas in nighttime exterior illumination, Lighting: Exteriors and Landscapes is fully indexed and provides introductory text by renowned lighting professionals J.F. Caminada, editor-in-chief of International Lighting Review, and Motoko Ishii, president of Motoko Ishii Lighting Design Inc.
Exterior lighting.
Lighting, Architectural and decorative.
Garden lighting.
Éclairage extérieur.
Jardins Éclairage.
exterior lighting.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 111197
Cote: ID TK4188.J36; ID:94-B706
Statut: Disponible
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