Expanding horizons : painting and photography of American and Canadian landscape, 1860-1918 / edited by Hilliard T. Goldfarb.
Titre et auteur:

Expanding horizons : painting and photography of American and Canadian landscape, 1860-1918 / edited by Hilliard T. Goldfarb.


[Montréal] : Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, ©2009.


318 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 31 cm

Catalogue of an exhibition first held at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts from June 18 to Sept. 27, 2009 and then travelling to Vancouver Art Gallery, from Oct. 17, 2009 to Janu. 17, 2010. Cf. P. [10].
Issued also in French under title: Grandeur nature : peinture et photographie des paysages américains et canadiens de 1860 à 1918.
Co-published by: Somogy Art Pub.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 317-318).
Endangered horizons / Nathalie Bondil -- Lenders to the exhibition -- Crossed destinies: manifesting the paths of nationhood in the United States and Canada through Landscapes, 1860-1918 / Hilliard T. Goldfarb -- Flexible frontiers: expansion, contraction, regeneration / T.J. Jackson Lears -- Nature transcendent -- The most northerly horizon / Rosalind Pepall -- The forest, Niagara and the sublime / François-Marc Gagnon -- Works -- The stage of history and the theatre of myth -- Looking at landscape in athe age of environmentalism / Lynda Jessup -- Too silent to be real / Richard Hill -- Works -- Man versus nature -- Painting and photography in British Columbia, 1871-1916: some observations / Ian Thom -- Works -- Nature domesticated -- Word and image: North American landscape in nineteenth-century illustrated publications / Brian Foss -- John Singer Sargent's adventurous summer in the Canadian Rockies: the visit to rh Yoho Valley in 1916 / Hilliard T. Goldfarb -- Works -- The urban landscape -- "To pavements and homesteads here" : landscape, photography, and the transcendence of time and space / Philip Brookman -- Works -- The return of nature -- Introduction -- Works.

9782891923347 (Montreal Museum of Fine Art)
2891923340 (Montreal Museum of Fine Art)
9782757203033 (Somogy)
2757203037 (Somogy)


Landscape painting, American 19th century Exhibitions.
Landscape painting, Canadian 19th century Exhibitions.
Landscape painting, American 20th century Exhibitions.
Landscape painting, Canadian 20th century Exhibitions.
Landscape photography United States Exhibitions.
Landscape photography Canada Exhibitions.
Photography United States History 19th century Exhibitions.
Photography United States History 20th century Exhibitions.
Photography Canada History 19th century Exhibitions.
Photography Canada History 20th century Exhibitions.
Peinture de paysages américaine 19e siècle Expositions.
Peinture de paysages canadienne 19e siècle Expositions.
Peinture de paysages américaine 20e siècle Expositions.
Peinture de paysages canadienne 20e siècle Expositions.
Photographie de paysages États-Unis Expositions.
Photographie de paysages Canada Expositions.
Photographie Canada Histoire 19e siècle Expositions.
Photographie Canada Histoire 20e siècle Expositions.
Landscape painting, American
Landscape painting, Canadian
Landscape photography
Peinture de paysages Amérique du Nord 19e siècle Catalogues d'exposition.
Peinture de paysages Amérique du Nord 20e siècle Catalogues d'exposition.
Photographie de paysages Amérique du Nord 19e siècle Catalogues d'exposition.
Photographie de paysages Amérique du Nord 20e siècle Catalogues d'exposition.
United States In art Exhibitions.
United States Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Canada In art Exhibitions.
Canada Pictorial works Exhibitions.
United States
North-American paintings and photography -- Landscapes -- 19th-Early 20th centuries.


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition, pictorial works
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Goldfarb, Hilliard T.
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Vancouver Art Gallery.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 291859
Cote: BIB 235687
Statut: Disponible


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