Educational technology & society : journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force.
Palmerston North, N.Z. : International Forum of Educational Technology & Society
1 online resource
It provides information on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems.
Educational technology & society
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. International Forum of Educational Technology and Society.
Educational technology Periodicals.
Computer-assisted instruction Periodicals.
Computer-assisted instruction.
Educational technology.
Educational technology society artificial intelligence educators instruction technology culture context performance learning educational systems learning styles knowledge educationalists teachers human computer interaction teacher model
Electronic journals.
Czasopismo pedagogiczne.
International Forum of Educational Technology & Society.
IEEE Learning Technology Task Force.
Educational technology and society
Educational technology & society journal
Issues from v. 6, no. 2 (July 2003) have title: Journal of educational technology & society
ET & S
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