Beatley, Timothy, 1957-
Green urbanism : learning from European cities / Timothy Beatley.
Washington, DC : Island Press, ©2000.
xv, 491 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"In Green Urbanism, Timothy Beatley explains what planners and local officials in the United States can learn from the sustainable cities movement in Europe. The book draws from the extensive European experience, examining the progress and policies of twenty-five of the most innovative cities in eleven European countries. Beatley focuses on the key lessons from these cities and what their experience can teach us about effectively and creatively promoting sustainable development in the United States." "Green Urbanism will be a useful reference and source of ideas for urban and regional planners, states and local officials, policymakers, students of planning and geography, and anyone concerned with how cities can become more livable."--Jacket.
1559636823 (acid-free paper)
9781559636827 (acid-free paper)
Urban ecology (Sociology)
City planning Environmental aspects.
Sustainable development.
Cities and towns Europe.
Écologie urbaine.
Urbanisme Aspect de l'environnement.
Développement durable.
Villes Europe.
urban environments.
sustainable development.
Cities and towns
Ecologische aspecten.
Urban ecology (Sociology) Europe.
City planning Environmental aspects Europe.
Sustainable development Europe.
Sustainable urban development.
Sustainable urban development Europe.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 220664
Cote: HT241.B4 2000
Statut: Disponible
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