Rethinking the interior, c.1867-1896 : aestheticism and arts and crafts / edited by Jason Edwards, Imogen Hart.
Titre et auteur:

Rethinking the interior, c.1867-1896 : aestheticism and arts and crafts / edited by Jason Edwards, Imogen Hart.


Surrey [England] ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Co., 2010.


xvi, 277 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Re-reading the green dining room / Sally-Anne Huxtable.--Superbundance and disorder: Ruskin's 'Two great evils' and the Church of St Mary, Studley Royal /Jane Hawkes.--An 'Enchanted interior": William Morris at Kelmscott House /Imogen Hart.--The lessons of Leighton House: aesthetics, politics, erotics /Jason Edwards.--'Fearful consequences ... of living up to one's teapot' : men, women and 'cultchah' in the aesthetic movement / anne Anderson.--'Of things both old and new' : the work of Richard Coad and James MacLaren / Paul Holden.--Paintings from nowhere: Walter Crane, socialism and the aesthetic interior / Morna O'Neill.--The aesthetics of community: queer interiors and the desire for intimacy / John Potvin.--'Baffling arrangements': Vernon Lee and John Singer Sargent in Queer Tangier / Diana Maltz.--Sculpture and aesthetic intent in the late-Victorian interior / Martina Droth.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP28.00 0.

From Aesthetes in Africa to the cultural history of the teapot, the essays in this collection contribute to scholarly debates across a wide range of disciplines. Addressing the question of whether "eclectic" relationships in Victorian decorative arts are actually self-conscious iconographic schemes or merely random juxtapositions of assorted objects, Rethinking the Interior, c. 1867-1896: Aestheticism and Arts and Crafts, argues that no firm demarcation exists between the two movements examined here. In the process, the contributors explore a wide variety of interiors in locations as diverse as London, Cornwall, New England, and Tangiers. Analyzing spaces public and private, sacred and secular, the volume poses several historiographic challenges. Drawing on a wide range of feminist and queer theories, the book questions the identification of nineteenth-century interiors as exclusively female or family spaces. The collection also addresses the complex and temporary character of interiors, and responds to the recent scholarly trend to return questions of feeling and embodied experience to the study of the decorative arts


9780754668176 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0754668177 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Interior decoration Great Britain History 19th century.
Interior decoration United States History 19th century.
Decorative arts Great Britain History 19th century.
Decorative arts United States History 19th century.
Aesthetic movement (Art)
Arts and crafts movement.
Décoration intérieure Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle.
Décoration intérieure États-Unis Histoire 19e siècle.
Arts décoratifs Grande-Bretagne Histoire 19e siècle.
Arts décoratifs États-Unis Histoire 19e siècle.
Esthétisme (Art)
Aesthetic Movement.
Arts and Crafts (movement)
21.84 interior design and decoration.
Decorative arts.
Interior decoration.
Interior art.
Applied arts.
Arts and crafts.
Great Britain.
United States.



Vedettes secondaires:

Edwards, Jason, 1971-
Hart, Imogen.

Aestheticism and arts and crafts


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 267774
Cote: BIB 199682
Statut: Disponible


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