Simpson, Douglas C., 1916-1967.
Douglas C. Simpson fonds, 1938-1992 ca. 1940-ca. 1960.
205 items.
Access by appointment only.
Douglas C. Simpson: born Winnipeg, Man., 1916; died Honolulu, Hawaii, 1967. Douglas C. Simpson began studies at the University of Manitoba in 1933, graduating with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1938. Over the next decade he began directing a project for a prefabricated panel system for the National Research Council in Ottawa, served in the Royal Canadian Navy during the war, and became chief architect of the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Commission regional office. Moving to Vancouver in 1948, Simpson joined Harold Semmens to form the office of Semmens Simpson. In 1957, Simpson left the firm to pursue a private practice first in Vancouver, where he designed the Bayshore Hotel in 1959-1960, then in Hawaii, Fiji and Australia. Simpson became a member of the Ontario Association of Architects and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada in 1942, and a Member of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia in 1948. He also became a Member of the Association of Canadian Industrial Designers in 1946.
Simpson, Douglas C., 1916-1967.
Semmens, Simpson (Firm)
Fonds (collections)
Warrington, Graham.
Semmens, Simpson (Firm)
Douglas C. Simpson archive, 1938-1992 ca. 1940-ca. 1960
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 262979
Cote: AP076
Statut: Disponible
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