Margolius, Ivan, author.
Automobiles by architects / Ivan Margolius.
Chichester : Wiley-Academy, 2000.
160 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 22 x 24 cm
"When the motor-driven vehicle was invented, architects recognised that its image, form and function would affect the quality of people's lives and their surroundings, and that to propose an automobile was a way to perfect the synthesis of art, design and the latest technology." "This book explores automotive design by leading architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Adolf Loos, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Gio Ponti, Carlo Mollino, Norman Foster, Jan Kaplicky and others and its influence on their architecture."--Jacket.
Automobiles Design and construction.
Architectural design.
Industrial design.
Automobile engineers.
Automobiles Conception et construction.
Design architectural.
Ingénieurs de l'automobile.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 213108
Cote: TL139 .M3 2000
Statut: Disponible
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