Stewart, Janet, 1969-
Fashioning Vienna : Adolf Loos's cultural criticism / Janet Stewart.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2000.
xii, 220 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"This book seeks, through an examination of the form and content of his texts, to extend our understanding of Adolf Loos and his role in the struggle to define the nature of modernity in Vienna at the turn of the nineteenth century. Focusing on the sense of paradox which structures Loos's thought allows this book to introduce a 'new' Loos, simultaneously 'modern' and 'traditional', who functioned as a sensitive barometer of conflicts played out in fin-de-siecle Vienna."
"Fashioning Vienna is based on original research and informed by an interdisciplinary approach. It makes extensive use of primary sources including archive material and newspaper reports, which serve to shed new light on the way in which Loos's writings are embedded in their socio-cultural context. Drawing on insights from German and Austrian studies, sociology and cultural history, this book offers a genuinely interdisciplinary approach to a figure who himself operated in an interdisciplinary fashion."--Jacket.
0415221773 (pb)
9780415221771 (pb)
Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933 Criticism and interpretation.
Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933 Written works.
Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933 Critique et interprétation.
Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933 Écrits.
Loos, Adolf, 1870-1933.
Loos, Adolf 1870-1933
Loos, Adolf, (1870-1933) Critique et interprétation.
Loos, Adolf (Architekt)
Criticism Austria Vienna History 19th century.
Criticism Austria Vienna History 20th century.
Critique Autriche Vienne Histoire 19e siècle.
Critique Autriche Vienne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architects Austria 20th century.
Vie artistique Autriche Vienne (Autriche) 19e siècle.
Vienna (Austria) Civilization 19th century.
Vienna (Austria) Civilization 20th century.
Vienne (Autriche) Civilisation 19e siècle.
Vienne (Autriche) Civilisation 20e siècle.
Austria Vienna.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 212574
Cote: NA44.L863.9 S8 2000
Statut: Disponible
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