Powell, Robert, 1942-
Rethinking the skyscraper : the complete architecture of Ken Yeang / Robert Powell.
New York : Whitney Library of Design, 1999.
208 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm
"Ken Yeang has become synonymous with the term 'the green skyscraper'. Almost single-handedly, the Malaysian-born architect has changed our perception of the high-rise, questioning every economic and engineering premise on which this building type was founded. It has long been assumed that skyscrapers, as high consumers of energy and meterials, cannot be sensitive to econlogical and environmental issues. Yeang's towers, by contrast, use vegetation as a crucial component of the facade and interior, acting both to remove heat and purify the air. In a wider sense, Yeang sees skyscrapers as 'cities in the sky', with carefully planned pedestrian linkages, public zones, a wide variety of uses, stunning vistas, and a sense of place extended upward. His philosophy has had a global impact." --BOOK JACKET.
Yeang, Ken, 1948- Criticism and interpretation.
Yeang, Ken, 1948- Critique et interprétation.
Yeang, Ken, 1948-
Skyscrapers Malaysia.
Plants in architecture Malaysia.
Gratte-ciel Malaisie.
Plantes en architecture Malaisie.
Plants in architecture.
Catalogues raisonnés.
Quotations (texts)
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Yeang, Ken, 1948-
Complete architecture of Ken Yeang
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 208174
Cote: NA44.T111.2 P6 1999
Statut: Disponible
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