Morrissey, Thomas F.
Between the lines : photographs from the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial / Thomas F. Morrissey ; with forewords by Jan Craig Scruggs and Adrian Cronauer.
1st ed.
[Syracuse, NY] : Syracuse University Press, 2000.
xxv, 116 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm
"Between the Lines is a collection of photographs that not only captures the faces of those who visit the monument but the emotion, solitude, and ultimate spirit of healing that take place there." "The National Vietnam Veterans Memorial - The Wall - is the most visited memorial in the history of the United States. Throughout this book, Thomas F. Morissey incorporates the "meditations" that have been left anonymously."--Jacket.
0815605919 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780815605911 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Washington, D.C.) Pictorial works.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Washington, D.C.) Ouvrages illustrés.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Washington, D.C.)
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Scruggs, Jan C., writer of foreword.
Cronauer, Adrian, writer of foreword.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 232739
Cote: DS559.83.W18 M67 2000
Statut: Disponible
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