The woman behind the lens : the life and work of Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1864-1952 / Bettina Berch.
Entrée principale:

Berch, Bettina.

Titre et auteur:

The woman behind the lens : the life and work of Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1864-1952 / Bettina Berch.


Charlottesville : University Press of Virginia, 2000.


x, 171 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 163-168) and index.
Introduction -- The birth of a Bohemian: 1864-1885 -- A studio of her own Washington, D.C., 1885-1900 -- Showing America to the world: Paris, 1900 -- To New York and a new partnership: 1900-1917 -- "The interpreter of gardens": 1918-1928 -- Johnston's ante-Antebellum south: 1928-1944 -- The "octo-geranium" puts down roots: New Orleans, 1945-1952 -- Concluding thoughts.

"Try to picture Mark Twain, or Uncle Remus, or even Theodore Roosevelt. More than likely, you have a Frances Benjamin Johnston image in your mind. Johnston was a significant--and arresting--figure in early twentieth-century photography, but few who know her images know much about the woman who made them. This first full-length biography--beautifully illustrated with forty examples of her work, including photographs of Hampton Institute (now Hampton University) and Tuskegee at the turn of the twentieth century, as well as images from Johnston's project on early vernacular architecture of the American South--explores both the surprising range of Johnston's talent and her high-stepping, controversial character"--Back cover.


081391938X (alk. paper)
9780813919386 (alk. paper)
0813920094 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780813920092 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952.
Johnston, Frances Benjamin, (1864-1952)
Johnston, Frances Benjamin.
Women photographers United States Biography.
Photographers United States Biography.
Femmes photographes États-Unis Biographies.
Photographes États-Unis Biographies.
Women photographers.
Femmes photographes États-Unis.
United States.


collective biographies.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233100
Cote: TR140.J72 B4 2000
Statut: Disponible


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