The art of ancient spectacle / edited by Bettina Bergmann and Christine Kondoleon.
Titre et auteur:

The art of ancient spectacle / edited by Bettina Bergmann and Christine Kondoleon.


Washington : National Gallery of Art ; New Haven ; London : Distributed by Yale University Press, 1999.


374 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm.


Studies in the history of art, 0091-7338 ; 56. Symposium papers / Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts ; 34

Papers from a symposium held by the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts in May 1996.
Includes bibliographical references.
Tragedy and the spectacle of the mind : messenger speeches, actors, narrative, and audience imagination in fourth-century BCE vase painting / J.R. Green -- The king on stage / Henner von Hesberg -- The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 BCE / Jonathan C. Edmondson -- Hellenistic images of spectacle, from Alexander to Augustus / Ann Kuttner -- Negotiating Roman spectacle architecture in the Greek world : Athens and Corinth / Katherine Welch -- Funera Tusca : reality and representation in archaic Tarquinian painting / Mario Torelli -- The observed of all observers : spectacle, applause, and cultural poetics in the Roman theater audience / Holt N. Parker -- Does Caesar mime? / Nicholas Purcell -- The games of Flora / T.P. Wiseman -- The city is a living thing : the performative role of an urban site in ancient Rome, the Vallis Murcia / Diane Favro -- "Let the trumpets roar!" : the Roman triumph / Richard Brilliant -- "Informers" on parade / Kathleen M. Coleman -- Processional colors / Christopher Jones -- Death on display : looking at Roman funerals / John Bodel -- The spectacle of the street / Barbara Kellum -- Performing culture : Roman spectacle and the banquets of the powerful / John H. D'Arms -- Timing spectacles : Roman domestic art and performance / Christine Kondoleon -- "In the temple of laughter" : visual and literary representations of spectators at Roman games / Richard Lim.

"The Art of Ancient Spectacle introduces live performance as a synthetic category of ancient culture, in which artifacts played varied roles. This consideration of their importance in nonverbal performances serves to broaden understanding of the original context and function of surviving images. Events such as combat in the arena, festivals, theatrical productions, processions, and private entertainments including banquets are discussed in terms of their forms and the visual arts created for them. In general, art and architecture functioned on three levels: as prop and setting, as a record of the event, and as mimetic agent to recreate the event in the beholder's mind. These nineteen essays by philologists, historians, archaeologists, and art historians demonstrate the diversity of venues beyond the arena where people learned by participation and spectatorship what it meant to be Greek or Roman." -- Provided by publisher


0300077335 (hardcover)
9780300077339 (hardcover)


Arts and society Mediterranean Region History To 1500 Congresses.
Entertainment events Mediterranean Region History To 1500 Congresses.
Arts, Classical Mediterranean Region Congresses.
Arts, Roman Congresses.
Arts romains Congrès.
20.60 classical art: general.
Arts and society
Arts, Classical
Arts, Roman
Entertainment events
Beeldende kunsten.
Klassieke oudheid.
Mediterranean Region
ancient spectacle
visual arts


Conference papers and proceedings
Congresses (form)

Vedettes secondaires:

Bergmann, Bettina Ann.
Kondoleon, Christine.
National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (U.S.)
Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.) ; 56.
Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.). Symposium papers ; 34.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 210793
Cote: NX448.5 .A78 1999
Statut: Disponible


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