Adam, Peter.
Eileen Gray : architect/designer : a biography / Peter Adam.
Rev. ed.
New York : Harry N. Abrams, 2000.
407 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm
"The revised edition of this book delves into Gray's life and career, from her aristocratic Anglo-Irish upbringing, to her early days at London's Slade School of Art, to her seventy years as an expatriate in Paris, where she enjoyed a milieu of famous and eccentric friends. A self-taught architect, Gray held her own in a profession dominated by men, building two legendary modern houses that are considered landmarks of twentieth-century architecture. Drawing on previously unpublished material, Adam traces the evolution of her projects in photographs, plans, and sketches, and in this new edition provides an invaluable catalogue raisonne of Gray's furniture as well as her architecture and drawings." "In addition to expanding the catalogue raisonne, Adam has updated the book with new, important entries to the bibliography and the list of exhibitions, and a new introduction. Illustrated with 335 reproductions and photographs, Eileen Gray: Architect/Designer continues to be a necessity for all architects, designers, and collectors who admire her work."--Jacket.
Gray, Eileen, 1878-1976.
Architects France Biography.
Designers France Biography.
Architect-designed furniture France.
Architectes France Biographies.
Designers France Biographies.
Meubles conçus par des architectes France.
Architect-designed furniture.
Architects France 20th century Biography.
Designers France 20th century Biography.
Quotations (texts)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 213610
Cote: NA44.G778.9 A3 2000
Statut: Disponible
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