A book of the book : some works & projections about the book & writing / edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Steven Clay.
Titre et auteur:

A book of the book : some works & projections about the book & writing / edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Steven Clay.


New York : Granary Books, 2000.


xiii, 537 pages (2 folded) : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Poetics & Ethnopoetics of the Book & Writing / Jerome Rothenberg 7 -- from "the Book as Machine" / Steve McCaffery, bpNichol 17 -- Notation and the Art of Reading / Karl Young 25 -- from "the Poem as Icon-Reflections on Printing as a Fine Art" / William Everson 50 -- Book as Physical Object / Keith A. Smith 54 -- Material Page / Michael Davidson 71 -- My Life a Book / Anne Waldman 80 -- Edmond Jabes and the Question of the Book / Jacques Derrida 84 -- from Desire for a Beginning Dread of one Single End / Edmond Jabes 99 -- Opening of the Field -- from the Marriage of Heaven and Hell / William Blake 104 -- from "Introduction" to the Illuminated Blake / David V. Erdman 107 -- from "So Long" / Walt Whitman 112 -- These Flames and Generosities of the Heart: Emily Dickinson and the Illogic of Sumptuary Values / Susan Howe 113 -- From Mallarme's Le Livre / Richard Sieburth 132 -- Book to Come / Maurice Blanchot 141 -- from the Futurist Moment / Marjorie Perloff 160 -- La Prose Du Transsiberien (facsimile and foldout) / Blaise Cendrars, Sonia Delaunay 167 -- from Destruction of Syntax--Imagination Without Strings--Words-in-Freedom 1913 / F.T. Marinetti 178 -- from "Kruchonykh and the Manuscript Book" / Gerald Janecek 186 -- One, the Only Book / Velimir Khlebnikov 201 -- Phenomenon of Adolf Wolfli / John Maizels 203 -- Foreword to the Hundred Headless Woman by Max Ernst / Andre Breton 213 -- from the Hundred Headless Woman / Max Ernst 217 -- Boite-en-Valise / Marcel Duchamp 221 -- Spells and Gris-Gris / Agnes de la Beaumelle 222 -- Spell for Leon Fouks / Antonin Artaud 226 -- from "Composition as Explanation (of Modern and Postmodern Poetries)" / Jerome McGann 228 -- Book is as Old as Fire & Water -- Painted Book / Nezahualcoyotl 249 -- Writing in the Imagination of an Oral Poet / Henry Munn 251 -- Toward a Poetics of Polyphony and Translatability / Dennis Tedlock 257 -- Guruwari Designs / Nancy Munn 279 -- Libro Desierto/Desert Book / Cecilia Vicuna 286 -- from the Chinese art of Writing / Jean Francois Billeter 290 -- Written Face / Roland Barthes 311 -- Hyakunin Isshu: Between Power and Play, an Anthology in Translation / Toshi Ishihara, Linda Reinfeld 313 -- Novelty Books: Accent of Images and Words / Martha L. Carothers 319 -- from Tongues of Men and Angels / William J. Samarin 334 -- Books Within Books: Some Notes on the Kabbalah & the Sefer Yetsirah / David Meltzer 339 -- from Sefer Yetsirah / Anonymous 341 -- Celestial Alphabet Event / Jacques Gaffarel 345 -- from Conversations with Ogotemmeli / Marcel Griaule 346 -- On the Cult of Books / Jorge Luis Borges 347 -- from "Signs and Their Transmission: The Question of the Book in the New World" / Walter D. Mignolo 351 -- Book to Come -- from The Heart of a Humument / Tom Phillips 375 -- Artist's Book as Idea and Form / Johanna Drucker 376 -- Introduction to Books and Graphics / Dieter Roth 389 -- Books of Di[e]ter Rot[h] / Richard Hamilton 395 -- On the Book of Bean / Alison Knowles 399 -- O! / Jess 403 -- Notes on a Humument / Tom Phillips 423 -- Writers Forum--Life By 1000 Books / Lawrence Upton 431 -- from A Smell of Printing / Simon Cutts 440 -- Souvenir De Voyage / Ian Tyson 441 -- Words: An Environment / Allan Kaprow 445 -- When a Book is Not a Book / Thomas A. Vogler 448 -- Afterword to Little Sparta / Alec Finlay 467 -- from Little Sparta / Ian Hamilton Finlay, Robin Gillanders 470 -- Up to and Including Her Limits / Carolee Schneemann 473 -- Interpreting the "Kunstkammer" / Barbara Fahrner, Harriett Watts 476 -- from "Living History: Faith Ringgold's Rendezvous With the Twentieth Century" / Dan Cameron 489 -- from the French Collection, Part 1, #3: The Picnic at Giverny / Faith Ring Gold 494 -- Writing (Under- ) Sky: On Xu Bing's Tianshu / John Cayley 497 -- Art of Immemorability /1 Charles Bernstein 504.

This is a collection of readings on the book as a mythic and material object. It includes commentaries and essays on 'the book', and discussions of specific artists' books. From William Blake to Gertrude Stein, Derrida to Duchamp.


1887123296 (hc ; alk. paper)
9781887123297 (hc ; alk. paper)
1887123288 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781887123280 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Literature Philosophy.
Writing History.
Books History.
Books Philosophy.
Écriture Histoire.
Livres Histoire.
Livres Philosophie.


Artists' books.

Vedettes secondaires:

Rothenberg, Jerome, 1931-2024, editor.
Clay, Steven, 1951- editor.
Granary Books (Firm), publisher.
Press Collection (Library of Congress)

Some works & projections about the book & writing
Some works and projections about the book & writing


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 224686
Cote: PN1042 .B58 2000
Statut: Disponible


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