A book of the book : some works & projections about the book & writing / edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Steven Clay.
New York : Granary Books, 2000.
xiii, 537 pages (2 folded) : illustrations ; 26 cm
This is a collection of readings on the book as a mythic and material object. It includes commentaries and essays on 'the book', and discussions of specific artists' books. From William Blake to Gertrude Stein, Derrida to Duchamp.
1887123296 (hc ; alk. paper)
9781887123297 (hc ; alk. paper)
1887123288 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781887123280 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Literature Philosophy.
Writing History.
Books History.
Books Philosophy.
Écriture Histoire.
Livres Histoire.
Livres Philosophie.
Artists' books.
Rothenberg, Jerome, 1931-2024, editor.
Clay, Steven, 1951- editor.
Granary Books (Firm), publisher.
Press Collection (Library of Congress)
Some works & projections about the book & writing
Some works and projections about the book & writing
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 224686
Cote: PN1042 .B58 2000
Statut: Disponible
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