Issues in the conservation of photographs / edited by Debra Hess Norris, Jennifer Jae Gutierrez.
Titre et auteur:

Issues in the conservation of photographs / edited by Debra Hess Norris, Jennifer Jae Gutierrez.


Los Angeles : The Getty Conservation Institute, 2010.


xvii, 734 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm


Readings in conservation

Includes bibliographical references (pages 699-711) and index.
On the action of damp air upon positive prints (1856) / Thomas Frederick Hardwich -- Preservation of photographs (1967) / Eugene Ostroff -- Conditions for the Alfred Stieglitz photographs and photogravures (1972) / Georgia O'Keeffe -- Philosophy of conservation (1974) / José Orraca -- Conservation center and laboratory : what are the objectives? (1974) / Walter Clark -- Collection, use and care of historical photographs (1978) / Robert A. Weinstein and Larry Booth -- Stability problems of 19th and 20th century photographic materials (1980) / James M. Reilly -- The imperfect image (1982) / Ian L. Moor and Angela Moor -- Disaster preparedness and recovery : photographic materials (1983) / Klaus B. Hendriks and Brian Lesser -- A new discipline : preservation and conservation of photographs (1987) / Anne Cartier-Bresson -- Understanding Alfred Stieglitz' platinum and palladium prints : examination by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (1995) / Constance McCabe and Lisha Deming Glinsman -- The coming of age of photograph conservation (1996) / Nora Kennedy -- Notes on dating photographic paper (2006) / Paul Messier -- What is a photograph? (2010) / Grant B. Romer -- First report of the Committee appointed to take into consideration the question of the fading of positive photographic pictures upon paper (1855) / Philip H. Delamotte ... [et al.] -- The stability of silver filaments (1965) / Thomas H. James -- Redox blemishes -- their cause and prevention (1970) / Calvin S. McCamy and Chester I. Pope -- A simple test to identify gases which destroy silver images (1972) / Edith Weyde -- Improvements to the photographic activity test in ANSI Standard IT9.2 (1991) / Douglas W. Nishimura, James M. Reilly, and Peter Adelstein -- To RC or not to RC (1979) / Timothy F. Parsons, Glen G. Gray, and Irwin H. Crawford -- Discoloration of black-and white photographic prints (1981) / Larry H. Feldman -- Long-term preservation of black-and-white photographs (1984) / Masaaki Torigoe ... [et al.] -- History of processing and image stability (1987) / George T. Eaton -- On the mechanism of image silver degradation (1991) / Klaus B. Hendriks -- Process for restoring stained and oxidized old prints to their original condition (1850) / Eugène Vaillat -- An improved method for the restoration of daguerreotypes (1956) / Charles van Ravenswaay -- Cleaning of daguerreotypes (1958) / Ruth K. Field -- Daguerreotype preservation : the problems of tarnish removal (1978) / Irving Pobboravsky -- The preservation of daguerreotypes (1981) / Alice Swan -- Treatment of daguerreotypes using hydrogen plasma (1984) / Mogens S. Koch and Anker Sjøgren -- Guidelines for the administration and care of daguerreotype collections (1989) / Grant B. Romer -- Corrosion removal : electrocleaning (1991) / M. Susan Barger and William B. White -- The examination, surface analysis, and retreatment of eight daguerreotypes which were thiourea cleaned in 1977 (1993) / Thomas M. Edmondson and M. Susan Barger -- An examination into the circumstances under which silver is found in the whites of albumen prints (1866) / Mathew Carey Lea -- The conservation of albumen prints (1980) / Gary E. Albright -- Image structure and deterioration in albumen prints (1984) / James M. Reilly ... [et al.] -- Effects of aqueous treatment on albumen photographs (1994) / Paul Messier and Timothy Vitale -- The effects of four different wet treatments on albumen photographs (1999) / Valerie Baas, Christopher Foster, and Karen Trentelman -- Glass plate negatives : preservation and restoration (1986) / Martine Gillet, Chantal Garnier, and Françoise Flieder -- An analysis of image deterioration in wet-plate negatives from the Mathew Brady studios (1992) / Mark H. McCormick-Goodhart -- Storage of nitrate amateur still-camera film negatives (1953) / John M. Calhoun -- How to work restoration magic on wrinkled negatives (1980) / Vilia L. Reed -- The pellicular burlesque (1997) / Douglas Munson -- From metal to polyester : history of picture-taking supports (1987) / Peter Z. Adelstein -- The acetate negative survey : final report (1988) / David Horvath -- Guidelines for care & identification of film-base photographic materials (1993) / Monique C. Fischer and Andrew Robb -- Stability of acetate film base : accelerated-aging data revisited (2006) / Jean-Louis Bigourdan -- Methods for testing image stability of color photographic products (1967) / David C. Hubbell, Robert G. McKinney, and Lloyd E. West -- Preservation of motion-picture color films having permanent value (1970) / Peter Z. Adelstein, C. Loren Graham, and Lloyd E. West -- Color print instability : a problem for collectors and photographers (1978) / Henry Wilhelm -- Image stability in color photography (1979) / Robert J. Tuite -- Predicting long-term dark storage dye stability characteristics of color photographic products from short-term tests (1980) / Charleton C. Bard ... [et al.] -- Preservation of autochrome plates in the collection of the National Geographic Society (1985) / Peter Krause -- The addition of color. Autochromes : analysis and conservation of a color photography process (1998) / Bertrand Lavédrine and Jean-Paul Gandolfo -- Applied chemistry -- note on the causes of deterioration of positive photographic prints and on a means of restoring them (1855) / Louis-Alphonse Davanne and Aimé Girard -- Conservation treatments for photographs : a review of some of the problems, literature and practices (1978) / Alice Swan -- Problems in the conservation of silver gelatin prints (1981) / Alice Swan -- Experiments on the restoration of discoloured black-and-white photographs in chemical solutions (1984) / Klaus B. Hendriks ... [et al.] -- Statement from the Committee on Intensification (1985) / Charles T. Isaacs -- Preserving photograph collections in research libraries : a perspective (1991) / James M. Reilly -- Preservation planning for diverse photographic holdings (1991) / Debra Hess Norris -- Developing treatment criteria in the conservation of photographs (1991) / José Orraca -- The allowable temperature and relative humidity range for the safe use and storage of photographic materials (1996) / Mark H. McCormick-Goodhart -- Surface cleaning of damaged photographic materials : current practice and concerns (1999) / Debra Hess Norris -- The evaluation of conservation treatments (1995) / Klaus B. Hendriks -- Preparing photographs for exhibition (1892) / Photographic Society of London -- Monitoring the fading and staining of color photographic prints (1981) / Henry Wilhelm -- The effects of exhibition on photographs (1986) / Douglas G. Severson -- Can we afford to exhibit our valued photographs? (1986) / Grant B. Romer -- The exhibition of an early photogenic drawing by William Henry Fox Talbot (1993) / Nancy Reinhold -- Determining responsible display conditions for photographs (1993) / John McElhone -- Guidelines for exhibition light levels for photographs (2010) / Sarah S. Wagner, Constance McCabe, and Barbara Lemmen -- Appendix A. Early photographic process identification guide (1977) / Robert A. Weinstein and Larry Booth -- Appendix B. Major 19th-century photographic and photomechanical processes : flowchart (1986, adapted 2009) / James M. Reilly -- Appendix C. Identification of film-base photographic materials : instructions and chart (1993) / Monique C. Fischer and Andrew Robb.

"In seventy-two essential texts from the nineteenth century to the present day, this anthology collects key writings that have influenced both the philosophical and the practical aspects of conserving photographs"-- Back cover.

Table of contents

9781606060001 (paperback)
1606060007 (paperback)


Photographs Conservation and restoration.
Photographies Conservation et restauration.
Fototeknik handböcker, manualer, etc.
Fotografi restaurering och konservering.
Fotografier restaurering och konservering.

Vedettes secondaires:

Norris, Debra Hess, editor.
Gutierrez, Jennifer Jae, editor.
Getty Conservation Institute.
Readings in conservation.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 269073
Cote: TR465 .R4 2010
Statut: Manquant

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 320514
Cote: 320514
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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