Solid states : concrete in architecture and structural engineering / production, Michael Blackwood Productions, Inc. ; producer and director, Michael Blackwood.
New York, NY : Michael Blackwood Productions, ©2009.
1 videodisc (58 min., 30 sec.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in. in container 20 x 14 x 2 cm
Excerpts of presentations and round table discussions at the conference Solid States: Changing Time for Concrete, held at Columbia University, New York in Oct. 2008. The conference was organized by the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, chaired by Michael Bell, and presented in conjunction with the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.
Concrete construction Congresses.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Congresses.
Structural engineering Congresses.
Construction en béton Congrès.
Architecture 21e siècle Congrès.
Technique de la construction Congrès.
Architecture, Modern
Concrete construction
Structural engineering
NTSC standard.
Conference Publications.
Video recordings.
Optical disks.
Conference papers and proceedings
Blackwood, Michael.
Bell, Michael (Michael J.)
Bucci, Angelo.
Cohen, Preston Scott.
Frampton, Kenneth.
Grange, Roger.
Graybeal, Benjamin A.
Herreros, Juan, 1958-
Holl, Steven.
Hunt, Mead.
Kwinter, Sanford.
Lafont, Bruno.
Ma, Qingyung.
Mandler, Mark.
Martin, Reinhold, 1964-
McPheely, Allen.
Meyer, Christian, 1943-
Mimram, Marc.
Mori, Toshiko, 1951-
Naaman, Antoine E.
Nordenson, Guy.
Reiser, Jesse.
Saitowitz, Stanley, 1949-
Schober, Hans.
Schon, Joëlle.
Schuler, Matthias.
Seinuk, Ysrael A.
Serraino, Pierluigi, 1965-
Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
Wigley, Mark.
Wilson, Mabel (Mabel O.)
Yamazaki, Rima.
Michael Blackwood Productions.
Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
Columbia University. Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.
Solid States: Changing Time for Concrete (2008 : Columbia University)
Concrete in architecture and structural engineering
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av 262734
Cote: NA4125 .S65 2008
Statut: Disponible
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