Extending themselves : user-initiated transformations of government-built housing in developing countries / Graham Tipple.
Entrée principale:

Tipple, A. Graham.

Titre et auteur:

Extending themselves : user-initiated transformations of government-built housing in developing countries / Graham Tipple.


Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, ©2000.


x, 358 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Introduction -- 2. The Housing Squeeze -- The scale and nature of the housing shortage -- Housing adjustment theory -- Household size and composition -- Increase in housing space -- Space and rooms occupied before and after transformation -- 3. More than Just a Dwelling -- Transformation as occupant participation -- The importance of ownership -- Home ownership and extension in mature years -- Needs of the next generation -- Accommodating extra households -- Household shares of the houses -- Home-based enterprises (HBEs) -- 4. The Financial Element: Transformation as an Investment -- Income and wealth -- Spending on transformations -- House value -- Relationship between house value/cost and income -- What is happening in the market -- 5. Sustainability Issues -- Sustainable development -- The need to conserve resources and to upgrade existing estates -- House physical conditions -- Service levels -- Plan forms -- The growing urban footprint: issues of urban sprawl -- Increases in intensity of development -- 6. The Transformation Process -- Informal settlements clinging to existing buildings -- The construction process -- Permissions -- Phases of transformation -- The housing adjustment process through transformation -- Why do occupiers extend? -- Problems encountered -- 7. The Case for Transformations -- Widespread practice of transformation -- Enablement and the balance of advantage -- Transformations in the context of Sustainable Development, the Global Strategy for Shelter and the Global Plan of Action -- Variety out of uniformity -- 8. Policies for Enabling Transformations -- Carmon's strategy for encouraging housing renovation: the public-individual partnership -- App. 1. Transformations in Bangladesh -- App. 2. Transformations in Egypt -- App. 3. Transformations in Ghana -- App. 4. Transformations in Zimbabwe -- App. 5. An Assessment of the Decision to Transform.
Also issued online.

Based on extensive research in developing countries, this is a study of residents making extensions to their housing which have transformed their living-spaces and conditions.


085323504X (pbk.)
9780853235040 (pbk.)


Public housing Management Tenant participation Developing countries.
Housing rehabilitation Developing countries.
Housing rehabilitation.
Public housing Management Tenant participation.
Developing countries.
Medical Humanities.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 253816
Cote: BIB 183611
Statut: Disponible


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