British greats.
London : Cassell, 2000.
263 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
"British Greats is a roll-call of some of the things that make up our image of Britain. In a series of beautifully illustrated essays, some of the leading figures in our national life take a lively, personal and often provocative look at events, achievements and ideas that have helped to shape our sense of what it means to be British." "Among them are inventions such as the longbows of Agincourt, trial by jury, and the London cab. There are cultural artefacts such as The Canterbury Tales, the letters page of The Times, and the Ealing comedies. There are key events - the defeat of the Spanish Armada, the abolition of slavery, the voyage of the Endurance. There are essays too on such quintessentially British pastimes as queuing, teatime and our obsession with pets. And of course there is the British weather."--BOOK JACKET.
Nationale kenmerken.
Great Britain Civilization.
Great Britain Social life and customs.
Grande-Bretagne Civilisation.
Great Britain
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 229825
Cote: DA110 .B85 2000
Statut: Disponible
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