Buckminster Fuller : anthology for the new millennium / edited by Thomas T.K. Zung.
Titre et auteur:

Buckminster Fuller : anthology for the new millennium / edited by Thomas T.K. Zung.


1st ed.


New York : St. Martin's Press, 2001.


xxiii, 388 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Richard Buckminster Fuller / Lord Norman Fraser ; We call it "Earth" / from Nine chains to the moon -- A brief history of geodisic domes / Shoji Sadao ; Geodisic structures / from The dymaxion world of Buckminster Fuller -- Bucky as a Leonardo-like world fellow in residence / Martin Meyerson ; Education / Education automation -- R. Buckminster Fuller : cosmic surfer / Gelnn A. Olds ; Comprehensive designing / from Ideas and integrities -- Bucky Fuller--nine epiphanies / James Parks Morton ; Introduction to omnidirectional halo / from No more seconhand God -- Bear Island / Calvin Tomkins ; Emergent humanity : its environment and education / from R. Buckminster Fuller on education -- Buckminster Fuller and the game of the world / Medard Gabel ; The world game--how to make the world work / from Utopia to oblivion -- The fountains of paradise / Sir Arthur C. Clarke ; Spaceship Earth / from Operating manual for Spaceship Earth -- The path of social evolution / Barbara Marx Hubbard ; The Lord's prayer--first and second versions / from Intuition -- Bucky : citoizen of the universe / Valerie Harper ; Revolution in wombland / from Earth, Inc. -- My best friend's father / Marian Seldes ; Prologue and tricaps 1 & 2 / from Tetrascoll : Goldilocks and the three bears -- Continuity, discreteness, and resolution / Arthur L. Loeb ; Discoveries of synergetics / from Synergetics : explorations in the geometry of thinking -- Black Mountain College / Ruth Asawa ; What I am trying to do / from And it came to pass--not to stay -- Macro-, micro-, and nano-scale engineering / Sir Harold W. Kroto ; Definition : universe / from Synergetics 2 : further explorations in the geometry of thinking -- Bucky / Charles Correa ; Part XXIX, vital statistics of industrialization / from Untitled epic poem on the history of industrialization -- The future according to Fuller / Steve Forbes ; Can't fool cosmic computer / from Grunch of giants -- Bucky's apologia / Michael Denneny ; Introduction : guinea pig B / from Inventions -- The R. Buckminster Fuller archives / Allegra Fuller Snyder ; Working with Buckminster Fuller / Don L. Richter, from The artifacts of R. Buckminster Fuller ; The naming of Buckminsterfullerene / E.J. Applewhite ; The mind of Buckminster Fuller / from Synergetics dictionary -- Ekistics and R. Buckminster Fuller / Herbert E. Strawbidge ; Integrity / from Cosmography.

0312288905 (pbk.)
9780312288907 (pbk.)


Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983.
Fuller, Richard Buckminster 1895-1983
Fuller, Richard Buckminster.
Engineers United States Biography.
Architects United States Biography.
Ingénieurs États-Unis Biographies.
Architectes États-Unis Biographies.
Engineers United States 20th century.
Inventors United States 20th century.
Architects United States 20th century.
United States.


Quotations (texts)

Vedettes secondaires:

Zung, Thomas T. K.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 215423
Cote: NA44.F967.9 B8 2001
Statut: Disponible


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