Inaba, Jeffrey.
Learning from Astana : recordings, 2007.
1 audio disc (CD-R) (approximately 78 min.) : digital ; 12 cm
Recordings of a lecture given by Jeffrey Inaba at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, Apr. 19, 2007. Includes remarks by Phyllis Lambert and closing comments by Alexis Sornin. The event was part of the lecture and film series "L'Enseignement de-- "/"Learning from-- "
Architecture Kazakhstan Astana.
City planning Kazakhstan Astana.
Urbanization Kazakhstan Astana.
Urbanisation Kazakhstan Astana.
City planning
Astana (Kazakhstan)
Kazakhstan Astana
Architecture (object genre) Kazakhstan Astana 1990-2010.
Urban planning Kazakhstan Astana 1990-2010.
Urbanization Kazakhstan Astana 1990-2010.
Cities Kazakhstan.
Sound recordings.
Compact discs.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Optical disks.
Live sound recordings
Enregistrements sonores live.
Lambert, Phyllis.
Sornin, Alexis.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Enseignement de ... (Lecture and film series) (2007 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 264009
Cote: Box 28 (BIB 195343)
Notes: CD-R
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 264010
Cote: Box 28 (BIB 195343)
Notes: Mini-DV
Statut: Disponible
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