The tourist's gaze : travellers to Ireland, 1800-2000 / edited by Glenn Hooper.
Titre et auteur:

The tourist's gaze : travellers to Ireland, 1800-2000 / edited by Glenn Hooper.


Cork, Ireland : Cork University Press, 2001.


xxxii, 268 pages : 1 map ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-255) and index.
pt. I. 1800-1852. 1. Letters on the Irish Nation: Written During a Visit to that Kingdom, in the Autumn of the year 1799 / George Cooper. 2. Narrative of a Journey to the North of Ireland, in the Year 1802 / Robert Slade. 3. Journal of a Tour in Ireland, performed in August 1804 / Anon. 4. Sketches of Life and Manners, with delineation of scenery in England, Scotland and Ireland / Mary Ann Grant. 5. Tour through Ireland, Particularly the Interior And Least Known Parts / James Hall. 6. Rambles in Ireland; or Observations written During a short Residence in that Country / William Reed. 7. Narrative of a Residence in Ireland during the Summer of 1814, and that of 1815 / Anne Plumptre. 8. Observations on the State of Ireland, principally directed to its Agriculture and Rural Population / J.C. Curwen. 9. The Irish Tourist, or Excursions through Ireland: Historical and Descriptive Sketches / Thomas Kitson Cromwell. 10. Leaves from a Journal; or Sketches of Rambles in North Britain and Ireland / Andrew Bigelow. 11. A Narrative of an Excursion to Ireland, 1825 / Gilpin Gorst. 12. The Adventures of Prince Puckler-Muskau in England, Wales and Ireland / Hermann Puckler-Muskau. 13. Ireland and its Economy: Being the result of Observations made in a Tour through the country in the autumn of 1829 / J.E. Bicheno. 14. Notes of three Tours in Ireland, in 1824 and 1826 / J. Glasford. 15. A Journey throughout Ireland, during the Spring, Summer, and Autumn of 1834 / Henry D. Inglis. 16. Ten Days in Ireland / Anon. 17. Notes of a Short Tour through the Midland Counties of Ireland, in the Summer of 1836 / Baptist Wriothesley Noel. 18. Ireland Picturesque and Romantic / Leitch Ritchie. 19. Letters from Ireland, 1837 / Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna. 20. Rambles in the South of Ireland During the year 1838 / Henrietta Chatterton. 21. The Irish Sketch Book of 1842 / William M. Thackeray. 22. Travels in Ireland / J.G. Kohl. 23. Impressions of Ireland and the Irish / J. Grant. 24. A Summer Visit to Ireland in 1846 / Theresa Cornwallis West. 25. Narrative of a Recent Journey of Six Weeks In Ireland / William Bennett. 26. Glimpses of Ireland in 1847 / John East. 27. A Visit to Connaught in the Autumn of 1847 / James Hack Tuke. 28. Life and Death in Ireland, as witnessed in 1849 / Spencer T. Hall. 29. Gleanings in the West of Ireland / Sidney Godolphin Osborne. 30. Ireland as I saw it: the Character, Condition, and Prospects / William S. Balch. 31. Annals of the Famine in Ireland, in 1847, 1848 and 1849 / Asenath Nicholson. 32. The Saxon in Ireland: Or, the Rambles of an Englishman in Search of a Settlement / John H. Ashworth. 33. Letters from Ireland / Harriet Martineau -- pt. II. 1852-1921. 34. Memorandums made in Ireland in the Autumn of 1852 / John Forbes. 35. A Walking Tour Round Ireland in 1865, by an Englishman / William Whittaker Barry. 36. Journals, Conversations and Essays Relating to Ireland / Nassau William Senior. 37. Ireland in 1872: a Tour of Observation / James Macaulay. 38. A Visit to Donegal and Connaught in the Spring of 1880 / James Hack Tuke. 39. Disturbed Ireland: Being the Letters written during the Winter of 1880-81 / Bernard H. Becker. 40. To and Fro, or Views from Sea and Land / William Sime. 41. The Eve of Home Rule: Impressions of Ireland in 1886 / Henry Spenser Wilkinson. 42. Ireland's Disease: the English in Ireland, 1887 / Paschal Grousset. 43. Ireland under Coercion: the Diary of an American / William Henry Hurlbert. 44. John Bull and his other Island / Arthur Bennett. 45. Three Months' Tour in Ireland / Madame de Bovet. 46. A Trip to Ireland / J.J. Lloyd. 47. Spring and Autumn in Ireland / Alfred Austin. 48. Penelope's Irish Experiences / Kate Douglas Wiggin. 49. Wanderings in Ireland / Michael Myers Shoemaker. 50. An Englishman in Ireland / R.A. Scott-James. 51. Theo Charm of Ireland / B.E. Stevenson. 52. A Stranger in Ireland / Douglas Goldring. 53. Irish Impressions / G.K. Chesterton -- pt. III. 1921-2000. 54. A Journey in Ireland, 1921 / Wilfrid Ewart. 55. Tramping through Ireland / John Gibbons. 56. The Face of Ireland / Michael Floyd. 57. An Irish Panorama / Kees van Hoek. 58. I Return to Ireland / S.P.B. Mais. 59. Green and Silver / L.T.C. Rolt. 60. The Dreaming Shore / Olivia Manning. 61. The South and the West of It: Ireland and Me / Oriana Atkinson. 62. Irish Journal: a Traveller's Portrait of Ireland / Heinrich Boll. 63. On Timeless Shores: Journeys in Ireland / C.C. Vyvyan. 64. I am of Ireland: an American's Journey of Discovery in a Troubled Land / Richard Howard Brown. 65. The Kingdom by the Sea: a Journey around the coast of Great Britain / Paul Theroux. 66. In Search of Modern Ireland: an American Traveler's Odyssey / Bryce Webster. 67. Round Ireland in Low Gear / Eric Newby. 68. Now and in Time to Be: Ireland and the Irish / Thomas Keneally. 69. A Book of Migrations: Some Passages in Ireland / Rebecca Solnit. 70. The Craic: a Journey through Ireland / Mark McCrum. 71. Silver Linings: Travels around Northern Ireland / Martin Fletcher. 72. McCarthy's Bar: a Journey of Discovery in Ireland / Pete McCarthy.
Table of contents

1859183239 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781859183236 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1859182771 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9781859182772 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Travelers Ireland History 19th century.
Travelers Ireland History 20th century.
Ireland Description and travel.
Irlande Descriptions et voyages.



Vedettes secondaires:

Hooper, Glenn.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 219335
Cote: DA969 .T6 2001
Statut: Disponible


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