AIA guide to New York City / [edited by] Norval White, Elliot Willensky with Fran Leadon.
Titre et auteur:

AIA guide to New York City / [edited by] Norval White, Elliot Willensky with Fran Leadon.


Fifth edition.


Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.


xxii, 1055 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm

Includes indexes.
Manhattan -- Lower Manhattan -- The Villages -- Midtown Manhattan -- Upper West Side -- Central Park -- Upper East Side -- The Heights and the Harlems -- Upper Manhattan -- Brooklyn -- West Central Brooklyn -- Northern Brooklyn -- Central Brooklyn -- Southwestern Brooklyn -- Southern Brooklyn -- Southeastern Brooklyn -- Eastern Brooklyn -- Queens -- Western Queens -- Central Queens -- Northeastern Queens -- Southern Queens -- Far Queens -- The Bronx -- Southern Bronx -- Central Bronx -- Western Bronx -- Riverdale -- Eastern Bronx -- Northern Bronx -- Staten Island -- Northern Staten Island -- Eastern Staten Island -- Central Staten Island -- Southern Staten Island -- The Other Islands.

"The AIA Guide to New York City has been the ultimate single-volume guide to the City's architectural treasures."--Back cover
"First published in 1968, the AIA Guide to New York City has long been the definitive guide to the city's architecture. Moving through all five boroughs, neighborhood by neighborhood, it offers the most complete overview of New York's significant places, past and present. The Fifth Edition continues to include places of historical importance--including extensive coverage of the World Trade Center site--while also taking full account of the construction boom of the past 10 years, a boom that has given rise to an unprecedented number of new buildings by such architects as Frank Gehry, Norman Foster, and Renzo Piano. All of the buildings included in the Fourth Edition have been revisited and re-photographed and much of the commentary has been re-written, and coverage of the outer boroughs--particularly Brooklyn--has been expanded. Famed skyscrapers and historic landmarks are detailed, but so, too, are firehouses, parks, churches, parking garages, monuments, and bridges. Boasting more than 3000 new photographs, 100 enhanced maps, and thousands of short and spirited entries, the guide is arranged geographically by borough, with each borough divided into sectors and then into neighborhood. Extensive commentaries describe the character of the divisions. Knowledgeable, playful, and beautifully illustrated, here is the ultimate guided tour of New York's architectural treasures."--Publisher's description


9780195383850 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0195383850 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780195383867 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0195383869 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Architecture New York (State) New York Guidebooks.
Architecture New York (État) New York Guides.
New York (N.Y.) Buildings, structures, etc. Guidebooks.
New York (N.Y.) Guidebooks.
New York (State) New York


travel guidebooks.
Guides touristiques.

Vedettes secondaires:

White, Norval, 1926-2009, editor.
Willensky, Elliot, editor.
Leadon, Fran, 1966- editor.
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter.

American Institute of Architects guide to New York City
At head of title: American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 268560
Cote: NA735.N5 (BIB 200383)
Statut: Disponible


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