Cities at war in early modern Europe / Martha Pollak.
Entrée principale:

Pollak, Martha D.

Titre et auteur:

Cities at war in early modern Europe / Martha Pollak.


Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.


xv, 354 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The geometry of power : pentagonal citadels and the emergence of military urbanism -- Military culture and the dissemination of urban knowledge -- Siege views : the war of military images -- The forms of military urbanism : streets, defensive fortification, and public spaces -- Celebrating peace : triumphs, war games, and the transformation of urban space -- Epilogue: fireworks and illuminated architecture.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP25.00 0.

"Between 1550 and 1700, artillery siege warfare transformed the European city, which was theorized, fortified, violated, rebuilt, and celebrated by leading artists and architects. The fortified perimeter, with its regular bastions, redefined the identity of the early modern city. Military planning also generated new forms of urban spaces, such as the orderly grid, the tree-lined avenue, the great central square dominated by triumphal sculpture, and the greenbelt that provided clear boundaries and controlled viewpoints. In The city at war in early modern Europe, Martha Pollak offers a pan-European, richly illustrated study of early modern military urbanism, an international style of urban design characterized by uniformity, geometrical clarity, architectural economy, and unadorned monumentality. Pollak examines this new urbanism as visualized by engravers, painters, and cartographers in accurate plans and powerful panoramic views. Her comparative, transnational study ranges from Britain to the Ottoman Empire, and from Malta to Scandinavia, and focuses on major centers--Naples, Paris, Antwerp, Stockholm--and "fortress cities" such as Valletta and Palmanova, which are still defined by their immense, geometrically perfect fortifications"--Provided by publisher.


9780521113441 (hardback)
052111344X (hardback)


Cities and towns Europe History.
City and town life Europe History.
City planning Europe History.
Military planning Europe History.
Fortification Europe History.
Architecture Europe History.
Siege warfare Social aspects Europe History.
War and society Europe History.
Villes Europe Histoire.
Vie urbaine Europe Histoire.
Planification militaire Europe Histoire.
Guerre de siège Aspect social Europe Histoire.
Guerre et société Europe Histoire.
Cities and towns.
City and town life.
City planning.
Military planning.
War and society.
Städer Europa historia 1500-talet 1600-talet.
Fortifikation Europa historia 1500-talet 1600-talet.
Europe History, Military 1492-1648.
Europe History, Military 1648-1789.
Europe Histoire militaire 1492-1648.
Europe Histoire militaire 1648-1789.
Europa militärhistoria 1500-talet 1600-talet.


Military history.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 272571
Cote: BIB 205966
Statut: Disponible


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