Art history in the age of Bellori : scholarship and cultural politics in seventeenth-century Rome / edited by Janis Bell, Thomas Willette.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, ©2002.
xvi, 396 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Giovan Pietro Bellori was one of the most important intellectuals of seventeenth-century Italy. Best known today for his art criticism and biographies of artists he knew personally, such as Nicolas Poussin, in his own day he was renowned for his expertise in coins, gems, ancient painting, and sculpture. This collection of essays presents new findings about Bellori's multifarious activities as well as fresh interpretations of his ideas. A timely reevaluation of its subject, Art History in the Age of Bellori contributes to a nuanced understanding of Bellori's place in seventeenth-century letters and politics, art criticism, and antiquarian studies.
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro, 1613-1696.
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 1613-1696
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro 1613-1696 Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti moderni
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro.
Bibel Römerbrief
Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti moderni.
Art critics Italy Rome Biography.
Art Historiography.
Critiques d'art Italie Rome Biographies.
Art Historiographie.
Art critics.
Rome (Italy) Civilization 17th century.
Rome (Italie) Civilisation 17e siècle.
Italy Rome.
Rom <1996>
Kongress Rom 1996.
Bell, Janis Callen.
Willette, Thomas.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 224571
Cote: N7480.8.B447 A7 2002
Statut: Disponible
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