Travi, Valerio.
Advanced technologies : building in the computer age / Valerio Travi.
Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, ©2001.
93 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 19 cm
The IT revolution in architecture
"Over the last thirty years, with the gradual application of artificial intelligence inside buildings, the worlds of construction and technical systems have witnessed revolutionary changes. Developments in electronic technology and growing collaboration between the fields of information and telecommunication technologies have led us to make the most of the possibilities offered by centralized control systems. In some buildings, the different automated systems are now interconnected, from the system for energy management to those for vertical transport, security, or fire prevention. Networks which convey digital information (computer data, telephone signals, and signals for environmental control and security) and usually function independently of each other, can now be integrated and thereby optimized. The introduction of complex system engineering in building construction has led to the appearance of new terms and abbreviations such as Building Automation, Computer Integrated Building, and domotique. Advanced Technologies aims to illustrate these new territories and to define the basic concepts of this epochal change."--BOOK JACKET.
Intelligent buildings.
Edificios inteligentes.
Immeubles intelligents.
intelligent buildings.
Berliner Mauer
IT revolution in architecture.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 217017
Cote: NA2543.T43 T6 2001
Statut: Disponible
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