Rose, Michael S., 1969-
Ugly as sin : why they changed our churches from sacred places to meeting spaces and how we can change them back again / Michael S. Rose.
Manchester, N.H. : Sophia Institute Press, ©2001.
viii, 239 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
A Forthright Edition
"The problem with new-style churches isn't just that they're ugly--they actually distort the Faith and lead Catholics away from Catholicism. So argues Michel S. Rose in these eye-opening pages, which banish forever the notion that lovers of traditional-style churches are motivated simply by taste or nostalgia. In terms that non-architects can understand (and modern architects can't dismiss!), Rose shows that far more is at stake: modern churches actually violate the three natural laws of church architecture and lead Catholics to worship, quite simply, a false god.
1928832369 (alk. paper)
9781928832362 (alk. paper)
Catholic church buildings.
Church architecture.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Églises catholiques.
Architecture chrétienne.
Architecture 20e siècle.
churches (buildings)
Forthright Edition.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 228517
Cote: NA4828 .R67 2001
Statut: Disponible
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