Lopez, Barry Holstun, 1945-2020, author.
Arctic dreams : imagination and desire in a northern landscape / Barry Lopez.
First Vintage books edition.
New York : Vintage Books, 2001.
xxix, 464 pages : maps ; 21 cm
This book is an account of the history, ecology, and mystique of the arctic region. The author offers a thorough examination of this obscure world, its terrain, its wildlife, its history of Eskimo natives and intrepid explorers who have arrived on their icy shores. But what turns this marvelous work of natural history into a breathtaking study of profound originality is his unique meditation on how the landscape can shape our imagination, desires, and dreams. Its prose as hauntingly pure as the land it describes, and is nothing less than an indelible classic of modern literature.
9780375727481 (paperback)
0375727485 (paperback)
9780844672229 (pbk.)
084467222X (pbk.)
Natural history Arctic regions.
Sciences naturelles Arctique.
Discoveries in geography
Natural history
Arctic regions Description and travel.
Arctic regions Discovery and exploration.
Arctique Descriptions et voyages.
Arctique Découverte et exploration.
Arctic Regions
Local author.
Informational works
Documents d'information.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308325
Cote: BIB 253746
Statut: Disponible
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