Burroughs, Charles.
The Italian Renaissance palace facade : structures of authority, surfaces of sense / Charles Burroughs.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
xix, 289 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
RES monographs in anthropology and aesthetics
In this book, Charles Burroughs tracks the emergence of the facade in late-medieval Florence and then follows the sharply diverging reactions of Renaissance architects to new demands and possibilities for representation in both residential and governmental contexts. Understanding the facade as an assemblage of elements of diverse character and origin, Burroughs explores the wide range of formal solutions available to architects and patrons. In the absence of explicit reflection on the facade in Renaissance architectural discourse, Burroughs notes the theoretical implications of certain celebrated designs, implying meditation on the nature of architecture itself and the society it serves and represents, as well as on the relationship between nature and culture. He also explores the resonance between shifts in architectural form and social space, and the ideas articulated in the literary production of the period.
052162438X (hc)
9780521624381 (hc)
Facades Italy.
Palaces Italy.
Architecture, Renaissance Italy.
Symbolism in architecture Italy.
Façades Italie.
Palais Italie.
Architecture de la Renaissance Italie.
Symbolisme en architecture Italie.
Palazzi Facciate Italia Sec. 14.-16.
Architecture, Renaissance.
Symbolism in architecture.
RES monographs in anthropology and aesthetics.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 222351
Cote: NA2840 .B87 2002
Statut: Disponible
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