Steps to water : the ancient stepwells of India / Morna Livingston ; foreword by Milo Beach.
Entrée principale:

Livingston, Morna, 1941- author, photographer.

Titre et auteur:

Steps to water : the ancient stepwells of India / Morna Livingston ; foreword by Milo Beach.


First edition.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, [2002]


xxv, 211 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-206) and index.
Introduction -- Chronology -- Maps -- I. Waiting for rain : -- the stepwell -- The stepped pond -- More than a bath -- Stone is pukkah -- The geography of water buildings -- The Gujarat-Rajasthan connection -- Climate and the monsoon -- 2. Early water buildings : -- Ancient steps to water -- Stone-block stepwells at Dhank -- The Brahmin role -- The goddess and her company -- The stepped ponds of Gujarat -- The great stepped ponds of Rajasthan -- Hybrid wells -- 3. High Hindu stepwells : -- Brahmin architects and sompara engineers -- Stepwell innovations -- Patan, a Hindu queens' stepwell -- More Solanki buildings -- 4. Fusion wells : -- Adapting to Muslim rule -- The stepwells of queens and sultans -- 5. Muslim water buildings : -- The Portuguese and Gujarat -- A final flowering of sultanate buildings -- Babur and the bathhouse -- The Mughals build -- Textiles, ceremony, and illusion -- New wells in Rajasthan -- Shekavati's wells -- Nahagarh, the first engineered water building -- 6. The British and beyond : -- Louis Rousselet visits Tintio -- The archaeological survey of India -- Running on empty -- 7. Ecosystem of the wells : -- Animals in the margins -- A walled garden -- The elusive guinea worm -- Clean water close up -- The Indian theory of how to mend -- The opposite of preservation -- 8. Village stepwells today : -- Good Queen Rudabai -- Stepwells in the village -- Women at the wells -- Devi, the diva of vernacular preservation -- Mata Bhavani, a water-temple well -- Ghumli and the Saddhu -- Glossary -- Appendix: Medieval Indian sources on stepwells.
Dust jacket.



Stepwells India.
Water and architecture India.
Eau et architecture Inde.
21.71 commercial and industrial buildings.
Water and architecture

Vedettes secondaires:

Beach, Milo, author of introduction, etc.
Beach, Milo Cleveland


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 221892
Cote: NA2542.8 .L5 2002
Statut: Disponible


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