Art of the skyscraper : the genius of Fazlur Khan / Mir M. Ali.
Entrée principale:

Ali, Mir M.

Titre et auteur:

Art of the skyscraper : the genius of Fazlur Khan / Mir M. Ali.


New York : Rizzoli, 2001.


239 pages : illustrations, plans ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 228-231) and index.
Chapter 1 Man at the Top 8 -- Chapter 2 University of Illinois 20 -- Chapter 3 Setting the Stage 28 -- Chapter 4 Strength by Design 38 -- Chapter 5 Exploration and Innovation 52 -- Chapter 6 Adventures in Design and Accolades 84 -- Chapter 7 Tower of Strength 106 -- Chapter 8 A Tube of Tubes 122 -- Chapter 9 Gateway to Mecca 136 -- Chapter 10 Supreme Integrator 150 -- Chapter 11 A Votary of Structural Art 162 -- Chapter 12 Tall Building Council and Other Affiliations 172 -- Chapter 13 A Lover of Humanity 180 -- Chapter 14 Journey to the Eternal World 194 -- Chapter 15 Khan Chair and More Recognition 202 -- Chapter 16 Spirit Lives On 211 -- Honors/Awards/Recognition 233 -- Student Thesis Projects Supervised at IIT 234 -- Professional Registration 234.

"Fazlur Rahman Khan was, arguably, the greatest architectural engineer of the second half of the twentieth century. Most widely known for revolutionary innovation in the design and construction of tall buildings, he was responsible for structural systems that made possible the 100-story Sears Tower - a building so high it needed Federal Aviation Administration approval before construction could commence. Structural systems he invented - including the "braced tube" and "bundled tube" systems - remain, to this day, fundamental to high-rise construction. Khan's efforts were not limited to structural engineering but played an important role in the form and architecture of the buildings he worked on." "In Art of the Skyscraper: The Genius of Fazlur Khan, author Mir M. Ali offers a vivid portrait of this seminal figure. Considering in depth Khan's life and work, Ali focuses on a period from the 1950s to the early 1980s when Khan worked mostly at the Chicago offices of Skidmore, Owens & Merrill, then one of the largest architectural firms in the world. As a result of his presence, SOM became the undisputed leader in the development of very tall buildings." "This, the first published book on the life and work of Fazlur Khan, stands as a powerful testament to this revolutionary mind - and to the technological advances it engendered. More than a source book for research in tall buildings or a biography, though it is both of these, Art of the Skyscraper gives us a tangible link, through photographs and architectural renderings, to the extraordinary sensitivity - to aesthetics, to engineering - that marked everything to which Khan lent his mind and hand."--Jacket




Khan, Fazlur R.
Skyscrapers Design and construction.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture, Modern



Vedettes secondaires:

Fazlur Khan


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 220680
Cote: TA140.K45 A5 2001
Statut: Disponible


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