The photography reader / edited by Liz Wells.
Titre et auteur:

The photography reader / edited by Liz Wells.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2003.


xxii, 466 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Extracts from Camera Lucida / Roland Barthes -- What has occurred only once : Barthes's Winter garden/Boltanski's archives of the dead / Marjorie Perloff -- Extracts from The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction / Walter Benjamin -- Benjamin and the political economy of the photograph / W.J.T. Mitchell -- Photography within the humanities / Susan Sontag -- In our image / Wright Morris -- Fire and ice / Peter Wollen -- Five notes for a phenomenology of the photographic image / Hubert Damisch -- What the eye does not see / Ossip Brik -- A new instrument of vision / László Moholy-Nagy -- Introduction to the photographer's eye / John Szarkowski -- Seeing photographically / Edward Weston -- Rhetoric of the image / Roland Barthes -- A photograph / Umberto Eco -- Looking at photographs / Victor Burgin -- Photography and fetish / Christian Metz -- Winning the game when the rules have been changed : art photography and postmodernism / Abigail Solomon-Godeau -- The crisis of the real : photography and postmodernism / Andy Grundberg -- Snapshooters of history : passages on the postmodern argument / Steve Edwards -- 'The shadow of the object' : photography and realism / Sarah Kember -- Extracts from Introduction to the photographic image in digital culture / Martin Lister -- Photogenics / Geoffrey Batchen -- The paradoxes of digital photography / Lev Manovich -- Evidence, truth and order : photographic records and the growth of the state / John Tagg -- In, around, and afterthoughts (on documentary photography) / Martha Rosler -- Access and consent in public photography / Lisa Henderson -- Photographs of agony / John Berger -- Photojournalism and the tabloid press / Karin E. Becker -- Cuba made me so / Edmundo Desnoes -- Re-reading Edward Weston : feminism, photography and psychoanalysis / Roberta McGrath -- Cindy Sherman : bruning down the house / Jan Avgikos -- Doubletake : the diary of a relationship with an image / Lucy R. Lippard -- The photograph as an intersection of gazes, the example of national geographic / Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins -- The vertigo of displacement / David A. Bailey and Stuart Hall -- In our glory : photography and black life / bell hooks -- Remembrance : the child I never was / Annette Kuhn -- Photo-therapy : psychic realism as a healing art? / Rosy Martin and Jo Spence -- Self image : personal is political / Angela Kelly -- The museum's old, the library's new subject / Douglas Crimp -- Words and pictures : on reviewing photography / Liz Wells -- Art, education, photography / David Bate -- Reading an archive: photography between labour and capital / Allan Sekula.

"A comprehensive collection of twentieth-century writings on photography--its production, its uses and effects ... traces the development of ideas about photography, exploring issues such as identity, consumption, the gaze, and digital technology ... Sections include: reflections on photography; photographic seeing; codes and rhetoric; photography and the Postmodern; photo-digital; documentary and photojournalism; the photographic gaze; image and identity; institutions and contexts"--Back cover.


041524661X (pbk.)
9780415246613 (pbk.)


Fotografia artística.
História da fotografia.
Photographic criticism.
Photography History.



Vedettes secondaires:

Wells, Liz, 1948- editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 226081
Cote: TR185 .P4 2003
Notes: pbk
Statut: Disponible


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