Raising the eyebrow : John Onians and World Art Studies / edited by Lauren Golden.
Titre et auteur:

Raising the eyebrow : John Onians and World Art Studies / edited by Lauren Golden.


Oxford, England : British Archaeological Reports, 2001.


366 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.


BAR international series ; 996

Preface by Martin Kemp.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Martin Kemp -- Introduction / Lauren Golden -- The maiden disputes. Saint Catharine in Amsterdam / Elisabeth de Biv̈re -- Animals in art : resisting a culture of the anthropocentric / Helen Boorman -- Crown steeples and crowns imperial / Ian Campbell -- Hunter-gatherer mythic thought and European cave art / Desmond Collins -- Observations on Alberti's attitude to late medieval architecture / Paul Davies -- Art history and evolution from Henri Focillon to Stephen Jay Gould / Eric Fernie -- Science, Darwin and art history / Lauren Golden -- Pictures and words / E.H. Gombrich -- The Roman imperial cult and the question of power / Richard Gordon -- A question of language--Raphael, Michelangelo and the art of architectural imitation / David Hemsoll -- Luxuria and Decorum : changing values in public and private life / Martin Henig -- Contemplating chimera in medieval imagination : St. Anselm's crypt at Canterbury / T.A. Heslop.
Materializing power--Cardinal Ippolito D'Este in 1540 / Mary Hollingsworth -- The origins of art / Paul Jordan -- Tiepolo : ambiguity and imprecision / Nigel Llewellyn -- The notion of Secretum in Renaissance Bologna : toward a sociology of secrecy in Italian culture / Elena de Luca -- The asymmetry of sanctity / John Mitchell -- 'Kunstgeographie', or the problem of characterising the art of a region / Stefan Muthesius -- Adaptations of European print imagery in two Andean Sillera̕s of circa 1600 / Rodney Palmer -- Fibre and line : from spin to span / Victoria Parry -- Artifacts and freedom / Marty Powers -- Milan and Troy in 1510 / Richard Schofield -- Archaeologies of art : contributions to world art studies / Robin Skeates -- Du Cerceau and Hollywood / David Thomson -- World art studies and world aesthetics : partners in crime? / Wilfried van Damme -- Bearer of a slightly different meaning : the pilaster as feminine presence / John Varriano.
Finding Filarete : the two libro archittetonico / Valentina Vulpi -- Unintended consequences of tourism : Kang Youwei's Italian journey (1904) and Sterling Clark's Chinese expedition (1908) / Cao Yiqiang -- Vignettes.

1841712779 (paperback)
9781841712772 (paperback)


Onians, John Anniversaries, etc.
Onians, John, 1942-
Art Study and teaching



Vedettes secondaires:

Golden, Lauren.
Kemp, Martin
BAR international series ; 996.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 223512
Cote: N7442.2.O5 R3 2001
Statut: Disponible


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