Urban futures : critical commentaries on shaping the city / edited by Malcolm Miles and Tim Hall.
Titre et auteur:

Urban futures : critical commentaries on shaping the city / edited by Malcolm Miles and Tim Hall.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2003.


vi, 228 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 201-222) and index.
Framing -- Where the thinking stops, time crystallises ... / Jane Rendell -- Differencing the city: urban identities and the spatial imagination / Dorothy Rowe -- Strange days / Malcolm Miles.
Moving -- Resistance or security? Young people and the 'appropriation' of urban, cultural and consumer space / Steven Miles -- Prestige projects, city center restructuring and social exclusion: taking the long-term view / Patrick Loftman, Brendan Nevin -- Car-ceral cities: social geographies of everyday urban mobility / Tim Hall.
Practising -- What is radical architecture? / Iain Borden -- Public art: a renewable resource / Patricia Phillips -- Landscape, ecology, art and change / Tim Collins, Reiko Goto.
Shaping -- Gentrification and social exclusion: spatial policing and homeless activist responses in the San Francisco Bay area / Anne R. Roschelle, Talmadge Wright -- Shaping the cultural landscape: local regeneration effects / Graeme Evans, Jo Foord -- Turbulent prospects: sustaining urbanism on a dynamic planet / Nigel Clark.

Urban Futures brings together commentaries from a wide range of contemporary disciplines and fields relevant to urban culture, form and society. The book concerns cities in the broadest sense, not just as buildings and spaces, but also as processes and events or sites of occupation, in which meanings are constructed in many ways. The contributors draw on their specialist areas of research to inform current debate, but they also speculate as to how cities will be shaped in the 21st century.
Specific areas of research include homeless people's organizations and restoration ecology in brownfield sites in the USA, post-industrial urban landscapes, post-industrial economics, tourism and cultural planning. The book allows each writer to state theri own conclusions, but together they suggest that tomorrow's cities will, while remaining locations of difference and contestation, be rapidly evolving systems in which dwellers assume increasing responsibilities and power.


0415266947 (pbk.)
9780415266949 (pbk.)


Cities and towns.
Sociology, Urban.
Urban geography.
Architecture and society.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Sociologie urbaine.
Géographie urbaine.
Architecture et société.
Écologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
human geography.
urban environments.
Vergelijkend onderzoek.



Vedettes secondaires:

Miles, Malcolm.
Hall, Tim, 1968-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 226679
Cote: HT119 .U73 2003
Statut: Disponible


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