Burgin, Victor, 1941-
Relocating / Victor Burgin.
London : Arnolfini, ©2002.
147 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm
"Over the past thirty years Victor Burgin's work has established him as both a highly influential artist and a renowned theorist of the still and moving image. After thirteen years in the United States, Burgin recently returned to live and work in Britain. Burgin came to prominence as an originator of conceptual art, and was nominated for the Turner Prize shortly before his departure for the USA. This book offers a critical overview of a body of work that combines conceptual rigour with poetic elegance, and remains an essential reference for succeeding generations of artists."--Jacket.
Burgin, Victor, 1941- Exhibitions.
Burgin, Victor.
Video art Exhibitions.
Art vidéo Expositions.
Video art
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
Arnolfini Gallery.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 228993
Cote: TR140.B956 R4 2002
Statut: Disponible
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