Index architecture : a Columbia book of architecture / edited by Bernard Tschumi and Matthew Berman ; assisted by Jane Kim.
1st MIT Press ed.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2003.
302 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
D, Columbia documents of architecture and theory ; v. 7-9
"Documents the extensive cross-fertilization of ideas that can occur between architectural practice and education. Through work developed by students and faculty at Columbia University's School of Architecture, it offers not only an archive of avant-garde work but a record of architectural discourse at a time when the design studio has been radically altered by digital technology. Writings, interviews, and images are organized according to an alphabetical 'index' of key terms. Cross-referencing allows for a rich reading of concepts currently discussed in the field."--Back cover.
0262700956 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780262700955 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0262200945 (hc. ; alk. paper)
9780262200943 (hc. ; alk. paper)
Columbia University. Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
New York (N.Y.) Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.
Architecture Study and teaching New York (State) New York.
Architecture, Modern Sources.
Architecture Étude et enseignement New York (État) New York.
Architecture 20e siècle Sources.
Architecture, Modern
Architecture Study and teaching
Architecture, Modern 20th century Sources.
New York (State) New York
Indexes (reference sources)
Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
Berman, Matthew, 1972-
Kim, Jane.
Columbia University.
D, Columbia documents of architecture and theory ; v. 7-9.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227107
Cote: NA2300.C65 I53 2003
Statut: Disponible
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