Bansal, Ashwinie Kumar.
Vastu / Ashwinie Kumar Bansal.
Hauppauge, NY : Barron's, 2002.
144 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
Vastu Shastra is the ancient Indian science and study of architecture and esthetics, of harnessing one's maximum luck and potential by organizing surrounding space. Written by a leading Vastu practitioner and author, "Vastu adapts this wisdom to modern homes, and shows how even subtle changes to an interior can bring peace, happiness, and achievement. Learn how to tune the four zones of your house or apartment to improve your mental, physical, emotional, and psychic well being. Discover the most auspicious places in your home for your furniture and accessories. Apply the secrets of timings, orientation, harmonies, and colors drawn from the ancient and mystical Vedas.
0764121065 (pbk.)
9780764121067 (pbk.)
Hindu astrology.
Hindu architecture.
Astrologie hindoue.
Architecture hindoue.
Vāstu Shastra publications.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 255563
Cote: BIB 185791
Statut: Disponible
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