Josep Lluís Sert / [editor Sofia Cheviakoff ; texts Sofia Cheviakoff, Alberto Duarte].
Gloucester, Mass. ; [Great Britain] : Rockport, 2003.
79 pages : color illustrations, maps ; 27 cm.
American architects
This book presents 10 works by this great architect and city planner, considered along with Kahn, Niemeyer, Tange and others as a key figure in the second generation of the Modernist movement. Originally from Barcelona, Sert immigrated to the United States 10 years after graduating as an architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona. Sert was the dean of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Design and Professor of Architecture at Harvard University. He carried out numerous works of architecture, urban planning, and urban design in addition to his teaching work. He was president of the CIAM from 1947 to 1956. One of his major contributions to modern architecture was the introduction of the ideas and techniques used in regional and traditional construction. The book presents, among others, Sert's Maeght Foundation, Holyoke Center, and his residences in Cambridge and upstate New York.
1564969851 (hardcover)
9781564969859 (hardcover)
Sert, José Luis, 1902-1983 Criticism and interpretation.
Sert, José Luis, 1902- Crítica e interpretación.
Sert, José Luis, 1902- Critique et interprétation.
Sert, José Luis, 1902-1983
Architecture United States 20th century.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Cheviakoff, Sofía.
Duarte, Alberto.
American architects.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227494
Cote: NA44.S49.23 J6 2003
Statut: Disponible
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