Japan : architecture, constructions, ambiances / Christian Schittich (editor) ; [translation German/English, Ingrid Taylor [and others]].
München : Edition Detail - Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation ; Boston : Birkhäuser - Publishers for Architecture, ©2002.
176 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
In detail
"Over a number of years, the review Detail has been consistently documenting the construction activities which have taken place in Japan, and this book draws on the best of their experience and connections to present and analyse with plans and details the most interesting buildings from various architectural trends in contemporary Japan. Introductory essays discuss the developments and specific design principles in Japanese architecture. This volume provides a stimulating discussion of current Japanese building in the context of traditional architecture"--Jacket
Architecture Japan History 20th century.
Architecture Japan Designs and plans.
Architecture Japon Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Japon Dessins et plans.
architectural drawings (visual works)
Architectural drawings
Dessins d'architecture.
Schittich, Christian, editor.
Taylor, Ingrid, translator.
In detail.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 226637
Cote: NA1555 .J32 2002
Statut: Disponible
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