Architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt / Corinna Rossi.
Entrée principale:

Rossi, Corinna.

Titre et auteur:

Architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt / Corinna Rossi.


Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.


xxii, 280 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-270) and index.
pt. I. Proportions in ancient Egyptian architecture -- 1. In search of 'the rule' for ancient Egyptian architecture -- 2. Mathematics and architecture in ancient Egypt -- pt. II. Ancient Egyptian sources : construction and representation of space -- 3. Documents on the planning and building process -- 4. Foundation rituals -- pt. III. geometry of pyramids -- 5. Symbolic shape and constructional problems -- 6. proportions of pyramids -- 7. Pyramids and triangles -- App. List of old and middle kingdom true pyramids.
Dust jacket.

"In this new study, architect and Egyptologist Corinna Rossi analyses the relationships between mathematics and architecture in ancient Egypt by exploring the use of numbers and geometrical figures in ancient architectural projects and buildings. While previous architectural studies have searched for abstract 'universal rules' to explain the history of Egyptian architecture, Rossi attempts to reconcile the different approaches of archaeologists, architects and historians of mathematics into a single coherent picture. Using a study of a specific group of monuments, the pyramids, and placing them in cultural and historical context, Rossi argues that theory and practice of construction must be considered as a continuum, not as two separated fields, in order to allow the original planning process of a building to reemerge. Highly illustrated with plans, diagrams and figures, this book is essential reading for all scholars of ancient Egypt and the architecture of ancient cultures."--Jacket.




Architecture, Ancient Egypt.
Architecture Egypt Mathematics.
Pyramids Egypt.
Architecture antique Égypte.
Architecture Égypte Mathématiques.
Pyramides Égypte.
Architecture, Ancient
Architecture Mathematics
Pyramids Egypt Design and construction.
Mathematics, Egyptian.
Egypt Antiquities.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 234077
Cote: NA215.R67 2004
Statut: Disponible


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