The best teacher I ever had : personal reports from highly productive scholars / edited by Alex C. Michalos.
Titre et auteur:

The best teacher I ever had : personal reports from highly productive scholars / edited by Alex C. Michalos.


London, Ont. : Althouse Press, 2003.


294 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes index.
1.John (Janos) Aczel on Lipot Fejer and others -- 2. Joseph Agassi on Karl Popper and other -- 3. Timothy E. Anna on John Tate Lanning -- 4. Paul E. Auger on Waldemar Lindgren -- 5. Karl T. Aust on Bruce Chambers -- 6. William A. Ayer on Karel Wiesner -- 7. Morrel P. Bachynski on Leon Katz -- 8. J.M. Bell on E.W. Crampton -- 9. R.G.S. Bidwell on Hugh P. Bell and Gleb Krotkov -- 10. Marie-Claire Blais on Mother Saint-Alfreda -- 11. Michael Bliss on Evelyn G. Hicks -- 12. William F. Blissett on Blanche Tilton and others -- 13. Joseph Bonefant on Robert Ricatte and other -- 14. Jonathan M. Borwein on David Borwein -- 15. John M. Bowman on Bruce Chown -- 16. Albert S. Bregman on William Jarvis McCurdy -- 17. Mario Bunge on guido Beck -- 18. Ken Carroll on James McCallum and others -- 19. Julia Ching on Man Wah Bentley -- 20. Colin W. Clark on David C. Murdoch -- 21. Ronald T. Coutts on Mr. McGregor and others -- 22. Harold G. Coward on Haryy Kreisel -- 23. James M. Daniels on James Wiles -- 24. Julian Davies on Mr. Finney and others -- 25. Henri Dorion on Louis-Edmond Hamelin -- 26. Leo Dreidger on H. Form and others -- 27. J.S. Dugdale on G.R. Noakes -- 28. Peter A. Egelstaff on "Experience" -- 29. Margrit Eichler on Ursula Franklin -- 30. Keith Ellis on Kurt Leopold Levy -- 31. J. David Embury on Alan Cottrell and others -- 32. James Allan Evans on Gordon Keyes -- 33. Emil L. Fackenheim on Adolph Loercher -- 34. Thomas Z. Fahidy on Fejes-Toth Laszlo
35. Harold J. Fallding on Jean Craig -- 36. A. Murray Fallis on F.B. Allan and others -- 37. Emmanuel Farber on Arthur Worth Ham -- 38. Tom Flanagan on Gerhart Niemeyer -- 39. Henry G. Friesen on Joseph Doupe and Edwin Astwood -- 40. W.S. Fyfe on John Eccles and others -- 41. George D. Garland on D.A.F. Robinson and others -- 42. Marc Gaudry on Henri Bouillard and others -- 43. Eville Gorham on Donald Crowdis and others -- 44. James Gray on C.S. Lewis -- 45. Leslie C. Green on L.F.W. White and others -- 46. Jean Grondin on Hans-George Gadamer -- 47. Wm. C. Gussow on W.H. Collins and others -- 48. Jean-Jacques Hamm on Charles Hummel -- 49. F. Kenneth Hare on Sidney William Woolridge -- 50. W.E. Harris on Laurine Bergen -- 51. Constance B. Hieatt on Jessie B. Winterbottom -- 52. John L. Holmes on J.A.G. Knight -- 53. Noel Hynes on Monsieur Largier -- 54. Jack Jacobs on Wlater Gage -- 55. R. Norman Jones on R.B. Wright -- 56. Harold Kalant on John Morrow and others -- 57. Morris Kates on Mr. Doherty -- 58. W.J. Keith on W.E. Barron and A.P. Rossiter -- 59. Bryce Kendrick on Will Kendrick -- 60. Nathan Keyfitz on Mr. Somerville and others -- 61. Jarmia Kukalova-Peck on Zdenek V. Spinar -- 62. Walter Kupsch on John Campbell Soroule -- 63. Phyllis Lambert on Richard Krautheimer -- 64. Jean Laponce on Andre Siegfried and others -- 65. Gary P. Latham on H.D. (Ace) Beach -- 66. Paul H. LeBlond on Ron Burling -- 67. William C. Leggett on Geoffrey Power
68. John Leslie on Anonymous -- 69. Kurt Levy on Federico de Onis -- 70. Douglas G. Lochhead on Robertson Davies and others -- 71. Kenneth H. Mann on Mr. Coptcoat and others -- 72. Jean-Claude Marsan on Percy Johnson-Marshall -- 73. E.A. McCulloch on Almon Fletcher and others -- 74. Kenneth D. McRae on Harold Innis -- 75. John Meisel on pani Sedlakova and others -- 76. JHugo A. Meynell on Miss Hawkins -- 77. Andrew D. Miall on Arnold Berry -- 78. Alex C. Michalos on J. Coert Rylaarsdam -- 79. William Michelson on Charles Tilly -- 80. Desmond MOrton on Mme. Sata and others -- 81. Robert G.E. Murray on Carl F. Robinow -- 82. M. Ram Murty and V. Kumar Murty on Mothers and others -- 83. Ralph W. Nicholls on Cyril Baxter -- 84. Geoff Norris on Mr. Taylor and others -- 85. Christine Overall on Jack Stevenson -- 86. Marian A. Packham on John Satterly -- 87. T.R. Parsons on C.F. Kirby -- 88. Terence M. Penelhum on Miss Bignell -- 89. R. Larry Pterson on Harold Brodie -- 90. Lewis Payton on Russell McCormmach -- 91. James C. Reaney on Northrop Frye -- 92. Leonard W. Reeves on Joel Henry Hildebrand -- 93. D. Regan on Mr. Hinchcliffe and others -- 94. A.G. Rigg on A.R. Nutt and others -- 95. Bryon P. Rourke on Joseph Francis Kubis -- 96. Jean-Louis Roux on Pierre Angers and others -- 97. Martha Salcudean on Wilhelp Rohonyi -- 98. Indira V. Samarasekera on Keith Brimacombe -- 99. William A. Sarjeant on Leslie R. Moore and other
100. Roger M. Savory on Vladimir Fedorovich Minorsky -- 101. Michael Sayer on George George -- 102. Benjamin Schlesinger on Ray Godfrey -- 103. Morris Schnitzer on W.A. DeLong -- 104. R.J. Schoeck on Jacob Amacher and others -- 105. Carol Shields on Miss Pelsue -- 106. David E. Smith on Hartley Thomas and others -- 107. Victor Snieckus on Rube Sandin -- 108. Margaret A. Somerville on George Patrick Ganley -- 109. Francis Sparshott on J.J.C. "Jack" Smart -- 110. George F.G. Stanley on A.L. Burt and others -- 111. Mary Eileen Stapleton Spencer on H.L. Holmes -- 112. Peter Suedfeld on Alice Lasker Ginott -- 113. Clara Thomas on A.S.P. Woodhouse -- 114. Anne B. Underhill on S. Chandrasekhar -- 115. M.C. Urquhart on George Alexander Elliott -- 116. Dennis E. Vance on Benton Naff and others -- 117. Sidney van den Bergh on Marcel Minnaert -- 118. Mladen Vranic on Charles Herbert Best -- 119. P.B. Waite on George Wilson -- 120. David Waterhouse on Muriel Denny and others -- 121. Morris Wayman on L.C.M. Pomeroy and Charles G. Fraser -- 122. Christopher D. Webster on Kasper Neagle and others -- 123. Roy A. Wise on Donald Olding Hebb -- 124. John H. Woods on Douglas Poole Dryer.

Alex Michalos wondered what Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada would say, if asked to describe their "best teacher" and what their answers would disclose about the effect these best teachers had on the lives of some of Canadaʼs most renowned scholars. Names range from C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien, from Northrop Frye to Robertson Davies, from A.S.P. Woodhouse to Charles Best to Karl Popper, Bruce Chalmers, and many, many others.




Teachers Canada Anecdotes.
Teacher-student relationships Canada Anecdotes.
Enseignants Canada Anecdotes.
Relations enseignants-élèves Canada Anecdotes.
Teacher-student relationships.



Vedettes secondaires:

Michalos, Alex C.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 234245
Cote: LA2321 .B48 2003
Statut: Disponible


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