Mahady, Michaela.
Welcoming home / Michaela Mahady.
1st ed.
Layton, Utah : Gibbs Smith, ©2010.
224 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
"As a principal architect at the Minnesota-based firm SALA Architects Inc., Mahady considers the aspects of home design that are pleasing to the senses and make people feel comfortable. Her mission is to explore the physical spaces that create this welcoming feeling. Most chapters cover Minnesota homes designed by SALA and include discussions and images of specific areas and rooms. Mahady contrasts the historical use of home spaces with how space is used today, as illustrated by beautiful photographs of architectural details. She also includes floor plans for nearly every home. In a conversational style, she shares a lot of insights into home design. VERDICT This book will serve as a design reference source for those building, remodeling, or redesigning their homes and looking for inspiration. The text is easy to read and offers a thoughtful analysis of traditional home spaces."--Valerie Nye, Santa Fe Univ. of Art and Design Lib., NM.
Architecture, Domestic Psychological aspects.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 270324
Cote: BIB 203043
Statut: Disponible
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